Unscramble these letters:
Unscramble these letters:
Answer the question:
What is your name?
My name is ______
Unscramble these letters:
Say the days of the week in order.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
I teach students math, English, and science. Who am I?
I am a teacher.
What animal is this?
A bird
Answer the question:
How old are you?
I am _____ years old.
What is the word for "lait" in English?
What is the month after March?
I want to be in movies. Who am I?
I am an actor.
*Picture 2*
What animal is this?
A pig
Which sentence is correct?
"She have a dog"
"She has a dog"
She HAS a dog
Translate this sentence:
"Je voudrais un cheeseburger s'il vous plaît."
What month comes after July?
Oh no! I have a cough and fever. Where should I go?
You should go to the doctor.
I live in Marseille. I love to eat trash.
What am I?
A rat.
Which sentence is correct?
"She is a girl"
"He is a girl"
SHE is a girl
This food is a dessert. It comes in flavors like vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. It is cold.
What is it?
Ice cream
What does a dentist do?
A dentist cleans teeth.
I live in the ocean, but I cannot breathe under water. I am very smart and swim very fast.
What am I?
A dolphin.
"He loves dog. Her favorite food are spaghetti."
He loves dogS. HIS favorite food IS spaghetti
Match the following:
Dinner, breakfast, lunch
Petit déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner
Petit-dejeuner-breakfast Déjeuner-lunch Diner-dinner
In this country, they speak English. They have kangaroos and crocodiles. This country is smaller than Canada.
What country is it?