Who is Considered Homeless
Case Scenarios/Pantries
Resources We Can Provide
McKinney Vento Act/Homeless Student Rights
Referral Process

Children who are sharing housing with friends/family due to:

economic hardship, loss of housing, or traumatic event.


A family comes to enroll at your school, however, they do not have birth certificates or proof of residency and the registrars told them they cannot enroll in the school. What do you do?

Have family fill out a MV Residency survey, once deemed MV eligible, inform the registrars that MV eligible families are NOT required to have these documents to enroll. Furthermore, they can attend classes and school while the MV liasion (Reece) helps them obtain these documents.


Name 1 resource we can provide to homeless students:

Transportation to/from school


McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act was enacted in year:

What is 1987?


The first thing a family needs to complete to determine MV eligibility

What is the McKinney Vento Residency Survey?


Living in:

Emergency or transitional shelters, or who are abandoned in hospitals.


You are told a student has been missing school the past month and when you reach out to the family, you find out that they have been staying at their mom’s friends‘ house which is really far from school. They are staying there because dad has been physically abusing mom. What do you do?

You have the family fill out a MV residency survey where they will indicate a need for transportation to school and community resources related to DV help.


Name another resource we can provide homeless students:

School Supplies


What is the act?

A United States federal law that provides federal money to support homeless students.


What to do after a family completes the MV Residency Survey

Send the survey to Maurice (Reece) Stephens


Living in: 

A public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.


You notice that a student has been coming to school wearing the same clothing several days in a row and their hygiene is not the best. They also are frequently asking other students to borrow school supplies. You find out that this student and their sisters have been living in their parents car due to dad losing his job. Dad was the sole provider for the family. What do you do?

Have the family fill out the MV residency survey indicating a need for SS, clothing, hygiene, and community resource referrals for housing help, food, etc so that they can be approved by MV Liasion Reece Stephens and given all needed resources.


Give me another resource we provide homeless students with:

Clothing/Hygiene products


Do MV eligible families need to have immunization records or proof of residence to enroll in a school?

No, they are not required to have these documents.


What happens after a family is approved as MV eligible

You get residency survey with approval stamp back from Reece, Reece reaches out to them to inform of approval and Reece provides MV Fam with resources they indicated being in need of.


Living in: 

Cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.


Which Schools in PUSD District have pantries:

Centennial High, Peoria Elementary, Sun Valley Elementary, Sundance, DAC, Peoria Flex, Ira Murphy, and Sky View.


More resources please :)

Weekend food/snack packs


What does school of origin mean? Can MV families stay at their school of origin?

The school they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled. 

Yes, they can stay at their school of origin so long as it is in the best interest of the child/ren regardless of district the family resides in.


What happens after a family is deemed ineligible for MV services

Reece informs the family they are ineligible then refers family to school social worker. If school does not have social worker, Reece connects family to community resources.


Living in: 

Motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations


What sorts of things are stocked in the pantries?

SS, Clothing/Hygiene, Food.


More resources:

Community resource referrals


What are homeless students’ transportation rights?

Free transportation to and from school (either school bus or shuttle/van service).


How do we access MV Residency Surveys?

On PUSD website under “Family”—>”Services” —>”Homeless Services”—>”Important End of Year Documents” —>”Residency Survey”
