This organization serves as Hamilton’s main food distribution hub, supplying over 20 food banks and hot meal programs.
What is Hamilton Food Share?
This government program provides financial aid to individuals and families in need, helping with basic needs and shelter costs.
What is Ontario Works (OW)?
This form is used when applying for social/subsidized housing in the Hamilton region.
What is an Access to Housing (ATH) form?
Helps facilitate our weekly seminar.
Who is Bonnie Freeman?
This Hamilton-based organization has supported at-risk and homeless youth aged 16-25 since 1985, providing transitional housing support, life skills training, meal programs, and employment services to help young people build stability and independence.
What is Living Rock Ministries?
This program runs from November 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025. It has been serving hot meals during winter for the last 25 years.
What is Out of the Cold Hamilton?
This provincial program supports individuals with disabilities through financial and employment assistance.
What is Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)?
These two emergency shelters provide 45 emergency shelter beds in total for men in the Hamilton region.
What are Mission Services Men's Shelter and Salvation Army Booth Centre?
The person in charge of Administrative Admission & Field Instruction for McMaster Social Work Students. Send us weekly Monday emails!
Who is Lorna O'Connell?
This Hamilton-based organization provides mentorship programs for children and youth facing adversity, matching them with caring adult role models to promote personal growth, resilience, and community engagement. Their programs include one-on-one mentorship, in-school support, and group-based activities to empower young people.
What is Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton
This community service provider runs a delivery, senior-specific food bank to help older adults access nutritious food. They provide seniors in West Hamilton with monthly food boxes.
What is St. Matthew’s House Senior Food Bank?
This program helps to reduce the cost of electricity bills for households based on family size and income level.
What is Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)?
This organization is the only program in the Hamilton region that focuses on emergency housing for youth aged 16 to 21.
What is Notre Dame House?
The Academic Department Manager of the School of Social Work. Help us create timetables and plan for our futures.
Who is Tammy Maikawa?
This national organization focuses on raising awareness, providing education, and offering support to individuals affected by skin cancer.
What is Melanoma Canada?
This Indigenous organization runs a food bank that offers both pick-up and delivery
What is Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg?
This emergency assistance program provides one-time support for rent, utilities, and other urgent financial needs for Hamilton residents.
What is the Housing Stability Benefit (HSB)?
This program focuses on eviction prevention and navigation for seniors in the Hamilton West area.
What is St. Matthew's House Housing Outreach Preventing Eviction for Seniors Program (HOPES)?
Provides supplemental supervision to those whose FI's are not registered social workers.
Who is Sue Nepal?
This Hamilton-based healthcare organization offers palliative care services, providing compassionate end-of-life care through a multi-disciplinary team that includes social workers, helping patients and families cope with terminal illness, grief, and emotional challenges while maintaining dignity and comfort.
What is St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton Palliative Care?
This non-profit organization services the mountain. Offering delivery services to those who qualify.
What is Neighbour to Neighbour?
This government program provides financial assistance, education support, and parenting skills for parents 16-25 y/o who are receiving OW and/or ODSP
What is the Learning, Earning, and Parenting Program (LEAP)?
This federally funded program provides rental subsidies directly to landlords on behalf of low-income tenants, offering an alternative to traditional rent-geared-to-income housing in Hamilton.
What is the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB)?
The director of the School of Social Work at McMaster University.
Who is Saara Greene?
This Hamilton-based agency is part of Ontario’s child protection system, providing services to protect children and youth from abuse and neglect, offering foster care, adoption services, and family support programs. They also work to strengthen families and ensure child safety in the community.
What is Hamilton Child and Family Supports (HCFC)?