What is a seed that is covered in a black coating, and another name for a day?
What is a Date?
What is another name for the Night of Power?
What is Layla-tul Qadr?
How many islamic months are there in the Islamic calendar?
What is 12 Months
Who was the best friend of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
Who is Abu Bakr?
What is the first pillar of Islam?
What is Shahadah?
What is a mix of common vegetables that is fried and eaten in many households for iftar?
What are pakoras?
What is the first week of Ramadan known for?
What is Mercy from Allah (SWT)?
What is Sister Hadiqas career path?
What is a lawyer?
What Sahabah donated the most during Ramadan?
Who is Uthman?
What is the 2nd Pillar of Islam?
What is Salah?
What is red, looks like blood, and is mixed with milk or water?
What is Rooh Afza?
What is the second week of Ramadan known for?
What is Forgiveness from Allah (SWT)?
What is Sister Aiyshas kids names that are part of MCNA?
Who is Wardan and Usaila?
What did the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) go read late at night?
What is Tarawih?
What is the 3rd Pillar of Islam?
What is Zakat?
What is a mix of many fruits and spices?
What is Fruit Chaat?
What is the third week of Ramadan known for?
What is Seeking Refuge from Hell?
What is Sister Sanna becoming? HINT: Two choices
What is a Mathematician and Alima?
What should you recite the most in the 3rd Ashura of Ramadan?
What is Alhuma Ajarnee Minanare?
What is the 4th Pillar of Islam?
What is Fasting?
What is a cool refreshing drink that contains water and lemons? (EXTRA POINTS if you say it in Urdu)
What is Lemonade or Scungvee?
When is Eid Al-Fitr?
What is April 21st or April 22nd?
What is Sister Laiba becoming?
What is a doctor?
Who are the 4 Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
Who is Abu Bakr, Umer, Uthman, and Ali?
What is the 5th Pillar of Islam?
What is Hajj?