During a round of staff trivia, Rob told us this was his favorite food.
MCP was founded in what year?
MCP has built this resource for staff members to capture processes and systems.
MCP Wiki Page
Hi! I'm the MCP mascot and my name is _______.
You must show up in this to attend gym class in Ancient Greece.
NOTHING :) (naked hehe)
In 2020, Annie and her partner invested in what for their house.
A hot tub
This person appeared on a Ted Talk using a bike ride as an analogy for the current education landscape.
Rob Barnett
There are around this many members in the MCP Teacher Discussion Facebook Group.
We do _______ at every staff meeting.
Shout outs and ripples
The following are MCP's primary typeface and secondary typeface.
Barlow Semi Condensed & Lora
Rex is a man of class, and his family matches. His wife is in training to be this.
The number of full-time employees at MCP in 2019
These "tiny promises" can be used in many states for teacher licensing?
Micro-credentialing (or micro-credentials)
In _________ an Edutopia video of Kareem and Modern Classroom Fellow Kate Gaskill goes viral, racking up more than two million views across social media. (month & year)
May of 2019
Distinguished Modern Classroom Educator
Distinguished Modern Classroom Advocate
Director of Systems & Strategic Operations
Finance and Operations Manager
School Year Mentorship Program
In November of 2021, this staff member won Top Golf.
Lisa Doty
Before the Virtual Mentorship program, there was this program that no longer exists.
Modern Classrooms Fellowship
There are around this many Distinguished Modern Classroom Educators implementing our model around the world.
The MCP values are:
-Seek Solutions
-Celebrate Diversity
-Respect each other and those we serve
- _________________
Look for ways to contribute.
The most important thing you need to know when making a pitch.
Your audience.
You can find this staff member watching Real Housewives.
Debbie Menard
This many educators were enrolled in VSI in 2021.
This is considered the most significant state-wide partnership.
__________ is Rob's favorite acronym to reference.
Roses are Red Violets are Blue; you would need to prepare one of these for the Modern Classrooms Podcast.
Love for our teachers! Or Love Notes