When and how should you follow directions?
You should follow directions quickly and quietly.
How do students line up?
You line up quickly and quietly.
What are the rules for the slides and swings?
You slide and swing on your bottom. You go down the slides and do not jump off the slides or swings.
How do you get your table to earn table points?
By keeping a clean and quiet table, as well as following directions.
What do you do if you want to speak?
You raise your hand for permission to speak.
What do you do if you need help?
You ask 3 people nearby before you ask me. If you still need help, raise your hand quietly and wait.
When you hear a whistle or bell ringing during recess, what do you do?
You look to see if it's your class, and if so, you quickly line up.
What should you do if your neighbor is having a hard time following directions?
You should quietly and kindly help them.
When can you get out of your seat?
You can leave your seat when given permission.
Can you use the restroom or get water while at recess?
No. You must use the restroom and get water before or after recess. If you think you'll need water, bring your water bottle to recess.
What kind of choices should you make?
You should make smart choices.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
You don't. Your teacher will sharpen pencils.
Where can you play on the playground?
You play in your zone and not in the wooded area or by the fence.
What does a good working group look like?
They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work done.
How do you ask to use the restroom, or get water, tissues, or pencils?
You use your SILENT hand signals at your seat.
What do you do when you get to class?
You make your lunch choice, put your backpack and notebook where they belong, and begin your morning work.
How should you play on the playground?
You should play nicely and not rough.
What kind of noise will working in groups sound like?
Students talking quietly but not disrupting others.