My jobs include keeping you aware of things happening without you
What is Aiva aware?
I not only encrypt but I know 4 languages
What is the demographic table?
I am just as much a survey as I am a template
What is Pronto?
Significant changes here my require a version change
What is a privilege form?
Search by name or ID Number to find the providers privilege statuses.
What is E-Priv
I use the power of checksome to grow my knowledge
What is Aiva IQ?
Find the providers current status and the date they were approved
What is the appointment table?
Log me or report me either way you'll find the changes your looking for.
What is an Audit?
Collect your questions and tally your votes
What is a survey template
You may or may not need a password, but I will require your facility details.
What is MD-Query
Be sure and choose the appropriate one of these so you don't miss the providers reappointment
What is an Aiva Cycle?
Finding a provider listed here is dependent on the provider type
What is the Supervisors table?
To this degree, I am both for Stat and Staff
What is an MD?
Be sure you know how to get to quick parts in the ribbon if your building me
What is a merge form/template?
Use me to collect and tally the votes
What is Pronto survey
Use me to complete your Aiva Cycles and do the work you specialize in.
What is Aiva Credentialing?
I have no address and the only thing above me is my parent
What is the Entity table?
Whether a search or merge, it's all the same to me
What is a provider?
Use the merge fields specific to email if your going to modify me
What is a message template
You better have this account setup if you plan on receiving your access code and token
What is an Api user?
Don't hit your head on me - instead track your providers projection as they move through the cycle
What is the aiva dashboard?
You can Approve or deny at the individual or group level
What is the permissions table?
I can be your query or your end point, both start with me.
What is an API?
You probably thought of me first when setting up your instructions, attestation questions, and required fields.
What is an MD-App/Application Template?
I may not be related to a patient visit, but I am still worth reviewing.
What is a facility event?