True or False: A plant does not need sunlight to grow.
Dibuja una matriz de 3 filas de 3
1 fila - o o o
2 fila - o o o
3 fila - o o o
Fragment or sentence:
Love cats!
True or False:
Enslaved people got paid in the south.
Statement or Question:
I love my dog.
What part uses sunlight to make food?
Escribe una ecuacion de suma repetida que 4 columnas of 3
3 + 3 + 3 + 3
Sentence or Fragment:
Ms. Juarez the other day.
What did Harriot use as a guide up North?
How do you sleep in a tub?
What part sends water and nutrients to the rest of the plant?
Tengo 20 sillas y 4 columnas. Cuantas filas hay
5 filas
Coach Surrat played Pokémon at the park.
The first black American girl to go to an all white American school
Ruby Bridge
He ran in the street!
Which part of the plant creates pollen that pollinators use to pollenate?
6 amigos compraron 5 barras de chocolate cada uno. Cuantas barras de chocolate tienen en total?
30 Barras de chocolate
You need these two to create a complete sentence..
Subject and Predicate
White Americans south made money through agriculture. Northern Americans made most money through...
Grab some sodas for the kids.
Roots under the soil collects these two things to survive..
Water and nutrients.
El senor Jimenez y tres amigos necesitan tener la misma cantidad de cartas para Jugar. Hay 52 cartas en total. Cuantas cartas debe recibir cada persona?
13 Cards
Unscramble the Sentence:
drove beach. my car to I the
I drove my car to the beach.
Franklin Douglas, Harriet Tubbman, and others fought to end slavery they were known as..
What are the four types of sentences?
Exclamation, Command, Statement, Question