My favorite disney princess
Who is Ariel?
My favorite drink
What is passionfruit la croix?
Your least favorite thing about me
What is _____?
The number of letters in my name
What is 24?
My weird fear
What is a fear of fish? (Thalassophobia)
The number of times I have been to the hospital (besides checkups)
What is 0?
My favorite fruit
What is strawberries?
My favorite Kardashian
Who is Kim K?
The color of my prom dress
What is dark green?
How many months old I am
What is 216?
The size shoe that I wear
What is a 6?
The opposite of down, and the opposite of cat
What is up dog?
My favorite and least favorite character on The Office
Who are Dwight and Andy?
Whoever can name the most digits of pi
My astrological sign
What is pisces?
What I eat every Monday after school
What is a poached egg on toast?
My favorite types of memes
What are The Office memes, Gru memes, etc.?
What I named my baby
What is Gilbert?
How many cousins I have not including step-family
What is 8?
My favorite nickname I have given a friend
What is care-bear!!!!!
My favorite biome in minecraft
What is desert?
What my Starbucks order is
What is a mango dragonfruit refresher?
Your favorite memory of me
What is ____?
My favorite type of pie
What is pumpkin or cherry?
Your favorite thing about me
What is ____?