What is my dogs name
When playing D&D what role do I usually fill
Dungeon Master
what deck did i climb to mythic with
mono-white aggro
name a manga that I currently read weekly
my hero, jjk, black clover, ..., etc
what is the first anime I watched completely
Dragon ball z
What is my full name
Christopher Michael Paquin Jr.
What is the first official D&D campaign book that i ever played through as a dungeon master
Bonus: who is the main villian of that campaign
Hoard of the dragon queen/Tyranny of dragons
What is my favorite two color combination
blue/red or Izzet
What is the genre of manga that I read the least of
what is the genre of anime that i watch the most of even though most of them are objectively bad
What year did i start playing league of legends
Bonus: what was the month i started
What edition of d&d did i start playing in
(Hint: the most current edition of d&d is 5th)
second edition
What is the first deck I ever brought to a tournament (color combination or archetype)
Green/Red Landfall
which manga am I currently most hyped for its anime adaptation
Chainsaw man
Which of the big 3 (naruto, bleach, one piece) do i think is the worst
how many pets do I currently own
Bonus: how many are dogs, and how many are cats
2 dogs, 3 cats
What is my least favorite official D&D campaign book
Princes of the Apocalypse
From what set does my collection of magic cards begin
Bonus: what block did I first start playing magic in
battle for zendikar
Theros block
what is a manga that i hate but has an anime adaptation that i love
Bonus: why
Hunter x Hunter
The art style
name an incredibly popular classic anime that I haven't seen
Bonus: name two
death note
code geass
What is the first console I owned
What was the first ever D&D character that I made
(Race / Class)
Elf Druid
What is the most expensive card I currently own
Bonus: what is the most expensive card I have ever owned
Teferi, hero of dominaria
aethervial(masterwork version)
which light novel have i read the most of
Bonus: how many volumes
Mushoku Tensei
what is the only anime i've been unable to complete because it's too sad
Violet Evergarden