What is my favorite movie?
What time do I wake up on a school day?
What are my sibling's names
What grade am I in?
Who does Ilaria sit with at lunch?
I don't know I forgOoOoOt
What do I always want to do when we go outside
Play with the Velcro Catch game
When do I usually wake up on a good weekend morning
What is my 100 million year old Uncle's name?
Paul Csorba
who is my LEAST favorite teacher
Mrs. Virginia
What is Paloma;s least favorite Christmas decoration?
The ugly, shiny, stupid, tacky truck.
What do I ABSOLUTELY FRIGGIN HATE about Mario Party
I can't play without computers
What is my favorite holiday?
Ilaria's Catchphrase
It's not my fault
Who was my 3rd Grade teacher?
Mrs. Lee
What is Santa Claus' real name?
Saint Nicholas
What is my favorite video game?
Pokemon Shield
What is my favorite book series
When she hears Ilaria coming
When does Ilaria say hi to me?
When I force her to acknowledge that I exist
What do Wishy and Zeppole do when they collide into each other at maximum speed?
Collide in the air and try to force the other one beneath them.
What is my favorite book?
The Christmas Pig
What is my favorite thing to do?
Mario Party
Who's my favorite?
The Cats
Who is my ALL TIME favorite teacher?
Mrs. Stewart
Plucky Pigeon's Cozy Coop