how many grandparents do I have
what sports do I play
frisbee and soccer
what is the best country
what is my favorite sport
what is the best high school
where was i born (what hospital)
what age did I start playing organized frisbee
2nd grade or 8 years old
how many times have I traveled to another state for a sports tournament
what soccer club do I play for
what is my most played game on steam
how old of my brother
what is my favorite part about playing frisbee
winning or playing against close friends
how old was I when I left north america
2 1/2
what is my peak rank in valorant
gold 2
how many hours do I have on valorant
how did my parents meet
through frisbee
what is my fastest 5k
21:57 or 7:05 pace
how many continents have I been to
what is my favorite class currently
who is my favorite youtuber
what is my dads first name
jea hyung
who is my favorite coach
jack brown
what is my favorite place to travel too
south korea
what is the team that my parents play with for frisbee
tongue and gruv
translate to English
ich habe eine frage
I have a question