What is my mom's name
what my fav drink/ food
pink lemonade, pizza
what is my fav book
Percy Jackson #1
What are my hobbies?
Chess/ being ball boy
do I have a twin
who is my fav singer/song
coldplay, yellow by clodplay
What's my favorite type of cuisine?
am I a morning person or a night owl?
morning person
what is my dad's name
what is my fav show (hint their is two)
Star wars, Marvel
What is my go-to board game?
Catan or star wars unlimited
What’s my biggest fear?
heights and darkness
how many sblings do i have (bonus what is my sblings names.)
2 (Ana, Danika) does Ana love me
my favorite ice cream flavor
cookies and cream
What’s my favorite holiday?
My dream job
police officer, or engineer
what is my dog's name and breed
chewie, Shih Tzu
favorite football team
Dallas Cowboys
What was your favorite subject in school?
What is my eye color