What football players uncle is Darnell
Who is my favorite sibling
What did I give Toby that he really wanted for his birthday
A evolving skys elite trainer box AKA pokemon
What is Victorias favorite Homer song
Chicken nuggets
Why am I a little Devil
Only God knows
Who was the all time QB rush leader before Lamar Jackson
Michal Vick
Who was president when I was born
Who is Victoria BFF
I have no idea to many
What is Homers Favorite city
New Orleans
Who is the best QB playing today
Patrick Mahomes
What was my favorite vacation
Levanworth in the RV
How many BFFs did I have in Seattle
What does Marge do when she is stressed
She drinks some wine
Who was the miraculos three of texas
Bruce Irvin Troy Aikman and Emmit Smith
Who is my favorite Baseball player you should ow this dad
Jackie Robinson
Witch of my friends said he has a crush on Victoria
What does Homer think of Bart
A first Class bad kid who he wants to give away
Who is my favorite football player
Marcus Alllen
Who is my least Favorite football player
Tom Brady
What do me and toby always do at his house
played in the yard and played on the XBOX
What is Homer Favorite Meat