Vocabulary Strategies
Skills-POV, Theme, Character
Progressive Verb Tenses

What is the meaning of the word studio in the sentence below?

Uncle Romie was working on a collage in his studio.

a place where an artist works


What does the idiom chowed down mean in the sentence below?

Tony chowed down at lunch.

ate a lot


How does James feel at the beginning of the passage?

nervous about going to New York


How can you tell that this passage is told in first-person point of view?

because the narrator is one of the passage characters


Change the verb to the correct present progressive verb tense.

Tonya (read)____________ her favorite book.

is reading


What does the word ruined mean in the sentence below?

My homework got ruined when my dog tried to eat it.



What does the idiom face the music mean in the sentence below?

Deion decided to face the music and tell his mother the truth.

take responsibility for his actions


At first, how does James feel about Uncle Romie?

He feels he and his uncle have nothing in common.


At the beginning of the passage, what does James think about Uncle Romie's artwork?

It sounds easy.


Change the verb to the correct progressive verb tense. 

I (sit)_________ in my favorite chair right now.

am sitting


What does the word schedule mean in the sentence below?

We had to look at the airplane schedule to see what time our flight departed.

list of arrival and departure times


What does the simile as sly as a fox mean in the sentence below?

Dad was as sly as a fox while he planned the surprise party.

clever and sneaky


Why does Uncle Romie usually close his studio door?

because he doesn't want to be disturbed


Why is first-person point of view important in the sentences below?

I saw saxophones, birds, fire escapes, and brown faces. It's Harlem, I thought. The people, the music, the rooftops and the stoops.  Looking at Uncle Romie's paintings, I could feel Harlem, its beat and bounce.

It shows how James feels about his uncle's art.


Change the verb to the correct progressive verb tense. 

She (cook)_________ dinner for her soccer team next week.

will be cooking


What does the word feast mean in the sentence below?

Grandma made a feast for Thanksgiving.

a large meal


What does the metaphor a ray of sunshine mean in the sentence below?

Brittany's smile was a ray of sunshine to me.

warm and cheerful


How does James react when he learns Aunt Nanette will miss his birthday?

He feels homesick and lonely.


Which sentence describes a change in the way James feels about Uncle Romie?

"My Uncle Romie stayed hidden away in his studio."

"Uncle Romie didn't know about cakes or baseball games or anything except his dumb old paintings."

"It turns out Uncle Romie knows all about baseball-he was even a star pitcher in college."

"It turns out Uncle Romie knows all about baseball-he was even a star pitcher in college."


Change the verb to the correct progressive verb tense. 

The dogs (sleep)______ in their kennels when I arrived home.

were sleeping


What does the word smeared mean in the sentence below?

The artist smeared the paint across the canvas.



What does the idiom cracked the case mean in the sentence below?

The detective was happy when he finally cracked the case.

solved a crime


What happens when James and Uncle Romie have breakfast together?

They learn about each other.


Which Sentence BEST expresses the theme, or message, of the passage?

Sometimes our first impressions of people can be wrong.

Cities are more exciting places to live than small towns.

Feeling homesick is a natural part of growing up.

Sometimes our first impressions of people can be wrong.


Change the verb to the correct progressive verb tense. 

We (eat)________ pizza when the phone rang.

were eating
