What do you think is one of the five ways to make yourself irresistibly employable.
What is employers need help. Be the solution. Instead of asking for a job, start looking for what solution yu bring to the situation.
Not again....
What is be able to at least order food, say your name, thank you and get directions in another language.
What is a common interview question?
What is why do you want to work for this company?
You may need to thank Mrs. Adkins and Mr. Roberts.
What is chemical engineering?
Everybody needs somebody.
What is an executive assistant?
What is another irresistible skill?
What is learn more than one language.
Are we on this still...
What is try to greet your host or potential employer in their language.
A second question
Mrs. Fitzgerald tries to get you excited about these things....
What is computer engineering?
This is job is not for everyone.
What is patrol officer.
What else can you think of?
What is learn to communicate your goals both orally and in writing.
A simple thought
What is don't be afraid to make mistakes. It is part of the learning process.
What do you bring
What is what skills do your bring to this job?
You would have to more away for this one to take flight.
What is aerospace engineering.
This person helps you take flight.
What is a flight attendant?
Any more thoughts?
What is deliver what you say consistently.
Almost done...
What is don't be afraid to ask questions.
Difficult situations
What is how do you deal with difficult co-workers.
This one may shock you.
What is electrical engineering?
What is a sales representative?
All out of ideas?
What is be respectful to everyone.
Last question about yourself
What is why should you be hired for this job.
Mrs. Fitzgerald is still working on building that enthusiasm.
What is computer science?
You hear about this person on the radio and television.
What is a sound engineer?