favorite color
red or black
favorite class out of the core classes
What is the name of the black and white pit bull that got ran over name?
What is my favorite Movie
Old Yellower
Was I a good kid in preschool?
favorite animal
What is the book I'm reading
HATCHET Gary paulsen
What is my puppy pit bull's name.
If I could time travel which time would I go in. 1920's, 1940's, 1960's, or 1980's
Have I gone to any preschool filed trip?
No, was a bad kid
how many siblings do I have?
Adam 11, Klhoe 9 , Ava 10, Tator 15, Nessa 18, Logan 17.
Who do I bug in Science class.
What animal do I hate more a Goat, a Chicken, or a Cat
What year was I born?
2007, Oct 20th
What grade am I supposed to be in?
9th grade
How many dogs do I have?
What class do I have the most trouble in ?
Have I gone to a cow auction?
Which sibling moved out and dropped out?
When did I officially started to read.
4th and 5th grade
True or False - I Love math!
What two jobs do I talk about in Mrs.T class? I have done a speech about them in careers two.
Military and gunsmith
Which of my animals is a Ex Meth-head
My puppy klhoe
Which Sibling is going to graduate?
What two rare injures or medical things that happened to me?
I broke my left arm and the type of bone break is a 5% chance of all arm breaks and I had a rare infection that had to be cut out my right arm.