
Nate squeezed some toothpaste onto the toothbrush and began brushing his teeth. As the brush skimmed over one tooth, he cried out suddenly and felt the tooth carefully with his tongue. What happened?

One of Nate's teeth is aching. 


The art teacher walked past each student, looking at each painting, sometimes nodding, sometimes frowning. When she reached Shannon's painting, she looked at it for a long moment. Then she slowly began to smile. What does the art teacher think of Shannon's painting?

The art teacher thinks it looks good.


Alice woke up feeling wretched. She was covered with sweat and had a headache. What does wretched mean?

Feeling bad/miserable


Bobby never realized how ignorant he had been about matters of the home until his wife got sick and he had to manage the house alone. What does ignorant mean?

To not know about/not understand


Megan stroked the chestnut horse's dark mane and gently led the horse out of the stall. Then she skillfully cleaned each hoof and buckled all of the straps on the saddle. Megan held onto the reins loosely as she mounted the horse. Sitting tall and centered, Megan was ready to ride. How would you describe Megan?

Megan is very comfortable around horses and knows how to take care of them. 


Todd carefully held the guitar and slowly plucked out the familiar tune "Happy Birthday." He sang along quietly in order to find the right notes. When he got one wrong, he started again. About how long has Todd been playing the guitar?

Todd is just learning to play the guitar.


After receiving just a single slice of pizza at the party, Kevin was disappointed. He had hoped for a more substantial portion. What does substantial mean?



Megan did not like the new girl because she was rich, haughty, and kept her nose up high. What does haughty mean?

Being very proud/conceded 


Everything was peaceful. There was almost no sound except for a few chirping birds. There was a chill in the air, and a small ray of light was lighting up the sky. It wouldn't be long before the streets would begin to fill up with people and cars. What time of day is it?

Early morning


Celine followed the dripping sound to the bathroom. The closer that she got to the bathroom, the more wet the carpet felt beneath her bare feet. And there was a puddle of water inching out from under the bathroom door. What happened?

There is a flood in the bathroom.


We can still make it to the movie on time if we make haste! What does haste mean?

Move quickly/hurry


After the quarterback from the visiting team snuck in for another touchdown, the mood over the home team's bleachers grew quite dreary. What does dreary mean?



"Please take your shoes off," Olivia urged. Laura slid off her shoes and stepped into Olivia's room. She looked at the orderly space, where everything matched, everything was in place, and everything was spotless.

Laura thought, I don't think Olivia would like my room very much. How would you describe Olivia? Why did Laura think Olivia would not like her room?

Olivia is very organized and clean. Laura did not think Olivia would like her room because it is dirty and disorganized. 


"Did you know that alligators have U-shaped noses and crocodiles have V-shaped noses?" inquired Naomi. "And did you know that a group of tortoises is called a creep? Also, did you know that some snakes can live up to forty years?" How would you describe Naomi?

She is very interested in reptiles.


Lance felt that it would be proper to ask Barbie's father for permission to marry her. What does proper mean?

To be polite


My father and Mr. McClure, our neighbor, have had a dispute as to the property line separating our two houses ever since Mr. McClure planned to build a fence. What does dispute mean?



Mr. Haley handed back the written reports. Scott smiled when he saw the gold star on the top of his paper.

"For our next project," Mr. Haley announced, "you will be asked to read your reports aloud to the class." Scott began to tremble, and his heart sank to his feet. Why does Scott react this way?

Scott feels nervous about speaking in front of the class.


Greta walked up to the dark house, the overgrown grass grazing her knees. She stood on the broken-down porch and peered inside one of the cracked windows. A calendar was hanging on the wall. "Wow. December 1983!" Greta whispered. How would you describe this house?

No one has lived there for years.


Vinnie thought that the 5K run would be a breeze, but after he got about a mile into it, he started to straggle behind the rest of the group. What does straggle mean?

Move slowly and fall behind the group

Bobby thought that Clyde's theories about their substitute teacher being an alien were absurd. What does absurd mean?

