Good Ideas
Social Media
Can We Talk?

Match a—j with 1—10 to make compound nouns.

1. leisure                       a. series

2. cell                            b. book

3. comic                        c. phone

4. high                          d. story

5. love                          e. school

6. pen                           f. time

7. pop                           g. name

8. social                        h. culture

9. TV                            i.  list    

10. bestseller              j. media              

leisure time; cell phone; comic book; high school; love story; pen name; pop culture; social media; 

TV series; bestseller list


Match the gadgets with the photos

smartphone; memory stick; digital radio; games console; tablet; smartwatch; satnav (sattelite navigator); bluetooth headset

smartwatch; tablet; digital radio; games console; bluetooth headset; memory stick; satnav (sattelite navigator); smartphone 


Match the animals with the sounds

cow pig turkey duck horse lamb chicken dog mouse bee donkey cat

cluck quack moo oink baa neigh gobble meow hee-haw woof squeak buzz 

cow — moo            chicken — cluck

pig — oink              dog — woof 

turkey — gobble      mouse — squeak

duck — quack         bee — buzz

horse — neigh         donkey — hee-haw

lamb —  baa            cat — meow


Name social media verbs

click;  scroll up/down;  type;  tap;  swipe;  

zoom in;  tag;  delete


Name at least 5 ways to say "Hello"

Suggested answers:

What's up? How are you doing? Hi! Nice to see you! Hey! Good morning (afternoon/evening)!


Paper or digital? Divide reading matters into two columns according to their formats.

Biographies; blogs; websites; magazines; newspapers; tweets; comics; social networking sites; novels; e-books; poems; textbooks 

Paper format: biographies; magazines; newspapers; comics; novels; poems; textbooks

Digital format: blogs; websites; tweets; social networking sites; e-books


Complete the sentences with the computing verbs

post; subscribe; upload; update; program; print; install; set up; search; long on

1. If you need information for your project, ___ online.

2. How many YouTube channels do you ___ to?

3. Can you show me how to ___ a video to YouTube?

4. In IT, we are learning how to create and ___our own video games. 

5. Why don't you ____ your Facebook profile? It's really old. 

6. Can you help me ____ this new app on my phone?

7. I can't ___ this document because we've run out of ink.

8. I'm going to ____ this photo on Facebook.  

9. They've got Wi-Fi at the cafe in town, but I can never ___ to the network.

10. I need to ___ my email account on my new computer. 

1. If you need information for your project, search online.

2. How many YouTube channels do you subscribe to?

3. Can you show me how to upload a video to YouTube?

4. In IT, we are learning how to create and program our own video games. 

5. Why don't you update your Facebook profile? It's really old. 

6. Can you help me install this new app on my phone?

7. I can't print this document because we've run out of ink.

8. I'm going to post this photo on Facebook.  

9. They've got Wi-Fi at the cafe in town, but I can never log on to the network.

10. I need to set up my email account on my new computer. 


Season's Greetings. Happy or Merry?

... New Year!             ... Anniversary!

... Easter!                 ... Christmas!

... Thanksgiving!       ... Birthday!

Happy New Year!             Happy Anniversary!

Happy Easter!                 Merry Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving!       Happy Birthday!


Social media text abbreviations. What do they stand for? 


IDK — I don't know

POS — Parent over shoulder

B4 — Before

LOL — Laughing out loud

RSVP — Please respond

BFF — Best friends forever 

DM — Direct Message

FB — Facebook

GOAT — Greatest of all time

IG — Insatgram

OMG — Oh my God

ROFL —Rolling on the floor laughing


Look at the photos and name the oldest forms of long distance communication

1. message in a bottle

2. carrier pigeon 

3. smoke signals

4. cave painting

5. telegraph


atlas; textbook; manual; gudebook; dictionary; autobiography

Which of these publications would you use to ...

1. find interesting places to visit while on holiday?

2. read an account of someone's life, written by that person?

3. find where a country was?

4. find out how to operate a gadget?

5. find the meaning of a word you don't understand?

6. revise for your school exams?

1. guidebook

2. autobiography

3. atlas

4. manual

5. dictionary

6. textbook


Complete the collocations with the computing nouns

a link; a new window; the trash; your username; your work; an account; a box; a button; a page; a text

1. empty _____

2. follow 

3. save ____, a document, a file, a photo

4. enter your password, _____ your address, etc.

5. open/close an app, ____, a folder, a file, a document

6. check/uncheck ____

7. copy and paste ____, a photo, a file, a link

8. click/double click on ____, an icon, a link, a menu

9. scroll up/down ___, a menu, a document

10. create ____ , a new document, a file, a link, a folder

1. empty the trash

2. follow a link

3. save your work, a document, a file, a photo

4. enter your password, your username, your address, etc.

5. open/close an app, a new window, a folder, a file, a document

6. check/uncheck a box

7. copy and paste text, a photo, a file, a link

8. click/double click on a button, an icon, a link, a menu

9. scroll up/down a page, a menu, a document

10. create an account, a new document, a file, a link, a folder


Please, thank you, excuse me and sorry! Please fill in the gaps with "magic words"

a. Would you like a drink?

    No, ... 

    Are you sure?

b. Would you like a drink?


   What would you like? Tea or coffee?

c. ...  I'm late. 

d. Can I have an ice-cream, ..?

e.  ... . Where is the toilet/restroom? 

f. ... forgive me! I won't do it again.

g. ... Do you know where the nearest supermarket is?

h. Could you say it again, ..? 

i. ..., may I ask you a question?

j. ... for giving me a lift. 

k. ..., I didn’t hear that. Can you say it again? 

l. ... me for a minute. I need to make a phone call.

m. ..., but all the rooms this weekend are taken.  

Would you like a drink?

    No, thank you.

    Are you sure?

b. Would you like a drink?

    Thank you.

   What would you like? Tea or coffee?

c. Can I have an ice-cream, please?

d. Excuse me. Where is the toilet/restroom? 

e. Please forgive me! I won't do it again.

f. Excuse me.  Do you know where the nearest supermarket is?

g. Could you say it again, please

h. Excuse me. May I ask you a question?

i. Thank you for giving me a lift. 

k. Sorry, I didn’t hear that. Can you say it again? 

l. Excuse me for a minute. I need to make a            phone call.  

m. Sorry, but all the rooms this weekend are taken.  


Name Facebook reactions

Like; Love; Care; Haha;  Wow; Sad; Angry


Can we communicate without words? Name at least 5 forms of non-verbal communication

gestures; posture;  tone of voice; eye contact; sign language 


Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun: who, whose, which, where, whom.

1. The man ____ house this is works for Apple. 

2. This is the job____ I applied for last week.

3. She's the woman ____ runs the biggest publishing company in Ireland. 

4. I want to visit the palce____ my grandfather grew up.

5. The man ____ you spoke to is the CEO of a large IT company.

6. The girl ____ won last year's prize is now a successful businesswoman.

7. The book ____ he wrote about his experiences became a bestseller.

8. They're the students ____ teacher appeared on TV last week. 

1. The man whose house this is works for Apple. 

2. This is the job which I applied for last week.

3. She's the woman who runs the biggest publishing company in Ireland. 

4. I want to visit the palce where my grandfather grew up.

5. The man whom you spoke to is the CEO of a large IT company.

6. The girl who won last year's prize is now a successful businesswoman.

7. The book which he wrote about his experiences became a bestseller.

8. They're the students whose teacher appeared on TV last week. 


Label the icons with Microsoft Office apps


Line up letter components in the right order "to represent a letter”.

greeting / salutation

closing / signing-off note

main body



concluding paragraph (summary and call for action)

introductory paragraph

Correct order

date; greeting / salutation; introductory paragraph; body; concluding paragraph; closing / signing-off; signature.


Match social media  personalities with their meaning

subscriber; blogger; follower; hater; vlogger; influencer; troll

1. online bully

2. a person who aggressively dislike someone or something

3.  a person who is paid by a company to show and describe its products and services on social media, encouraging to buy them

4. someone who makes short films that record your thoughts, ideas, or opinions on a subject and posts them on the internet

5.  someone who writes a regular record of someone's ideas, opinions, or experiences that is put on the internet for other people to read

6. someone who chooses to see a particular person's posts (messages) on social media

7. someone who pays to receive a newspaper or magazine regularly or to use a phone line or internet service  

1. Troll  — online bully

2. Hater — a person who aggressively dislike someone or something

3. Influencer — a person who is paid by a company to show and describe its products and services on social media, encouraging to buy them

4. Vlogger — someone who makes short films that record your thoughts, ideas, or opinions on a subject and posts them on the internet

5.  Blogger — someone who writes a regular record of someone's ideas, opinions, or experiences that is put on the internet for other people to read

6.  Follower  — someone who chooses to see a particular person's posts (messages) on social media

7. Subscriber — someone who pays to receive a newspaper or magazine regularly or to use a phone line or internet service  


What's in a name? Match the types of name 1-7 to the definitions a-g.

a. a second given name;  b. a family name;  c. a fictitious name used by  an author;  d. a name someone uses or is called instead of  their real name; e. a person or brand that is very well known;  f. an address on the Internet; g. a name used to log on to an online account                                        

1. surname;  

2. domain name;  

3. nickname;  

4. username;   

5. brand name;  

6. middle name 

7. pen name/pseudonym             




1. — b.

2. — f. 

3. — d. 

4. — g. 

5. — e. 

6. — a. 

7. — c. 


Match the sentence halves

1. I'm pleased ...  a. about loosing my tablet.

2. I'm worried ... b. in most online games.

3. I'm shocked ...  c. with my new smartphone.

4. I'm aware ... d. to negative comments on FB.

5. I'm sensitive ... e. on making video clips.

6. I'm keen ...       f. at the price of some devices.

7. I'm successful ... g. for running an online forum.

8. I'm responsible ... h. of the danger of social                                           networking sites. 

1. I'm pleased with my new smartphone.  

2. I'm worried about loosing my tablet.

3. I'm shocked at the price of some devices. 

4. I'm aware of the danger of social networking sites.                                         

5. I'm sensitive to negative comments on FB.

6. I'm keen on making video clips.

7. I'm successful in most online games.

8. I'm responsible for running an online forum.


Choose the correct modals to complete the sentences

1. I didn't get your e-mail. Do you think you can't have/ could have/ must have sent it to my old email address?

2. Your smartwatsh isn't broken. It can't have/ could have/ must have run out of charge.

3. The school show is on YouTube. Our teacher can't have/ might have/ must have uploaded it. 

4. She can't have/ might have/ must have left her phone at school. Or perhaps she left it on the bus. 

5. Max isn't replying to me texts. He can't have/ might have/ must have taken his phone with him. 

6. She must have/ might have/ can't have paid a fortune for that mobile  — it's the very latest model!

7. I must have/ might have/ can't have  saved that report properly. It isn't in the right folder. 

8. The doctor wants me to have an X-ray because I must have/ might have/ can't have broken my arm.  

1. I didn't get your e-mail. Do you think you could have sent it to my old email address?

2. Your smartwatsh isn't broken. It could have run out of charge.

3. The school show is on YouTube. Our teacher  must have uploaded it. 

4. She might have left her phone at school. Or perhaps she left it on the bus. 

5. Max isn't replying to me texts. He can't have/ might have/ must have taken his phone with him. 

6. She must have have paid a fortune for that mobile  — it's the very latest model!

7. I can't have saved that report properly. It isn't in the right folder. 

8. The doctor wants me to have an X-ray because I  might have broken my arm.  


Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs:

 get back;  switch off;  hang up;  call back

Announcement on a plane: "Would all passengers please1______ all mobile devices and computers".

Message on an answerphone: "Can you2_____ me ____ when you get this message? My number is 01548956711.

Recorded announcement: "The number you have dialled does not exist. Please3________ and dialled again.

Message on an answerphone: " Hi, Neil. I've been trying to call you all morning. Can you4______ to me on 01548190684?

Announcement on a plane: "Would all passengers please switch off  all mobile devices and computers".

Message on an answerphone: "Can you call me back when you get this message? My number is 01548956711.

Recorded announcement: "The number you have dialled does not exist. Please hang up and dialled again.

Message on an answerphone: " Hi, Neil. I've been trying to call you all morning. Can you get back to me on 01548190684?


A funny image, video, or text that is copied and shared on social media



Complete the sentences with correct forms of the phone phrases below. 

add your number; leave a message;  lose the signal; put you on loudspeaker; put your phone on silent; recharge my phone; run out of credit.

1. I'm sorry. I'm _____. I can't hear you. Can you hear me? Hello? Hello?

2. I forgot to ____ last night and now my battery is flat.

3. Welcome to the Odeon cinema. Please_____ while you are watching the film. 

4. I've _____to my contacts list? so I can call you later.

5. Im sorry, Sarah's out at the moment, but you can ____.

6. Let me _____ and then everyone can hear you. 

7. I can't make any calls at the moment because I've _____. 

1. I'm sorry. I'm losing the signal. I can't hear you. Can you hear me? Hello? Hello? 

2. I forgot to recharge my phone last night and now my battery is flat.

3. Welcome to the Odeon cinema. Please put your phone on silent while you are watching the film. 

4. I've added your number to my contacts list, so I can call you later.

5. Im sorry, Sarah's out at the moment, but you can leave a message.

6. Let me put you on loudspeaker and then everyone can hear you. 

7. I can't make any calls at the moment because I've run out of credit.
