Area & Perimeter
Money Word Problems
Multi-Step Word Problems

Jason is shipping a package to his friend in another state. The box he is using measures 16 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 8 inches high. What is the volume of the box Jason is using?  

1,536 cubic inches


What is the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 1.1 inches and a width of 0.8 inches?

3.8 inches


2 hours is equal to ________ minutes.

120 minutes


Jason was earning $17.50 per hour at his job, but last week he received a fifteen-cent per hour raise. He worked 14 hours last week. How much money did Jason earn last week?



There are 134 fourth grade students and 137 fifth grade students going on a field trip. Each bus can hold 48 students. How many buses are needed to take all students on the field trip?

6 busses


A bedroom shaped like a rectangular prism is 10 feet wide, 12 feet long and measures 8 feet from the floor to the ceiling. What is the volume of the room?

960 cubic feet


What is the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 2.4cm and a width of 0.6cm?

6 centimeters (cm)


5 gallons = _______ quarts

20 quarts


Ernesto has been earning $35 each time he mows the lawn. He has already mowed the lawn 6 times this summer. He is saving for a gaming system that costs $455. How many more times must he mow the lawn before he has enough money to buy the gaming system?

7 times


A shoe store orders 18 cases of sneakers, each containing 25 pairs of sneakers. The same store ordered 15 cases of sandals, each containing 21 pairs of sandals. How many more pairs of sneakers did the store order?

135 pairs of sneakers


Mary Ellen made a cube out of a sheet of paper. One side of the paper cube measured 9 centimeters. What was the volume of the paper cube?

729 cubic centimeters 


Stacey drew a rectangle that measured 0.8 feet in width and 0.9 feet in length. What is the perimeter, in feet, of Stacey’s rectangle?

3.4 feet


6 strings, each string is 18 inches long = ______ feet of string

9 feet of string


Andrea went out to dinner. She spent $7.85 on an appetizer, $32.50 on dinner, $3.75 on a beverage, and $7.75 on dessert. How much did Andrea spend in all?



Jenna went shopping on Saturday. She bought a blouse for $28, a belt for $15, and a hat for $18. She paid using a $100 bill. How much change did she receive?



The base of a rectangular prism is 32 square inches. The total volume of the prism is 128 cubic inches. How tall is the prism, in inches?

4 inches


What is the area of a square with a side length of 0.9 miles?

0.81 miles


Gary has a board that is 10 feet long. He needs to cut it into 9-inch pieces. How many 9-inch pieces will he get out of the board?

13 pieces of board


Jocelyn went shopping on Sunday. She bought two dresses that each cost $28.79. She bought a pair of shoes for $37.80. She also bought 3 pairs of jeans that cost $45.40 each. How much did Jocelyn spend on her shopping trip?



There are three boy scout troops going on a camping trip. Each troop has 18 boys. They will travel in vans. Each van holds 7 boys. How many vans will be needed to transport all three boy scout troops?

7 vans


A rectangular prism is composed of smaller blocks that each measure one cubic inch. If the volume of the prism is 64 cubic inches, how many of the smaller blocks fit inside the prism?



A city park is rectangular in shape, and has a length of 1.8 miles and a width of 0.85 miles. What is the area of the city park (in square miles)?

1.53 square miles


A recipe requires 28 ounces of milk. Lara has only a ½-cup measuring cup. How many measuring cups of milk will Lara need for the recipe?

7 measuring cups


Belinda earns twenty-three cents more per hour than what Jason currently earns. She worked 19 hours last week. How much more did Belinda earn than Jason?



A bookstore received 7 shipments of new books. There were 144 books in each shipment received. On Monday, they sold 38 of the new books. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, they sold 27 of the new books each day. How many of the new books remained by Friday?

889 books
