If today is April 13th, 2019, what will the date be in a week?
April 20, 2019
Name the weekend days.
Saturday Sunday
Which hand on the clock counts the minutes in an hour - the long hand, short hand, or fast hand and how many minutes are in one hour?
60 minutes = 1 hour
What time is noon?
12:00 pm (Day)
Which month is the 4th month?
If today is Wednesday, what day will it be in three days?
Which season do the flowers bloom and the birds lay eggs?
Which hand on the clock tells us how many hours have past - long hand, short hand, or fast hand and how many hours in one day?
24 hours = one day
What time is midnight?
12:00am (night)
How many days in one year?
If today is May 29, 2019, what is the date 3 days from now?
June 1, 2019
Which season is the harvest?
Autumn or Fall
Write the time that is 1 hour before 2:00pm.
Use the clock to show 2 hours later than 5:30pm.
Write March 17, 2018 using only numbers.
3/17/18 or 3-17-18 or 3.17.18
How many days in a week and name them?
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Find Halloween on the calendar
October 31st
Write the time that is 3 hours after than 4:00am
Use the clock to show 5 hours later than 1:30pm.
Write the 10/30/18 using words and numbers.
October 30, 2018
How many months in one year and name them?
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Which month is the 8th month?
Which hand on the clock tells us how many seconds have past - long hand, short hand, or fast hand and how many seconds in one minute?
60 seconds = 1 minute
Use the clock to show 30 minutes before 6:00am.
Write June 3, 2018 using only numbers.
6/3/18 or 6-3-18 or 6.3.18