Where is the poll on a goat
Top of the head
What does JABGA stand for
Junior American Boer Goat Association
A male goat is a...
Normal temperature of a goat
A goat has how many stomach chambers
Give the location of the pastern
Above the ankle on all 4 of a goats legs
How many JABGA directors are there?
Define the loin of a goat
Comes from a goats back and is the most tender cut of the goat. Judges look for the best loin when judging any meat market goat.
What is the correct way a kid should come out during the birthing process
Nose and front legs first
A goat cannot survive without
Describe the flank of a doe
The underside of a goat where the back leg meet the body.
How many JABGA regions are there
The first secretion of milk after birth and is rich in antibodies
Ammonium Chloride helps to prevent what condition
urinary calculi
A goat is considered a ___________ type of digestive animal. And that means what?
A ruminant - means a goat digests its food by means of gas
Where is the brisket located
The forward part of the chest
Where is the JABGA/ABGA office located
The scientific name for a goat
A doe bred in mid October should kid in what month
T or F Lack of Selenium can cause white muscle disease
What does it mean when a judge talks about Spring of Rib
Wide Chest through the rib cage
How old do you have to be to participate in JABGA
birth to under 21.
Wether Dam
Commercial Doe Goat that is not tattooed - an doe that does not meet ABGA Breed Standards
Name 2 types of goat dewormer
cydectin, ivermectin, valbazen
T/F Calcium and phosphorus should always be fed in a 3:1 ratio
False - should be 1:1 or 2:1