What is Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation?
This is the proper assessment sequence during an abdominal assessment.
What is Inspection, Auscultation, Percussion, Palpation?
This visual diagram is used to evaluate stool consistency.
What is the Bristol Stool Chart?
These are the 4 components when describing urine.
What is amount, color, clarity and odor?
What is the circle, the up and down or the wedge?
This adventitious lung sound is described as a high-pitched whistling sound.
What is Wheezing?
A patient presents with pain in the LLQ, describe the order in which palpation during the assessment should occur.
What is RLQ, RUQ, LUQ, LLQ?
The presence of red or dark red in the stool is an indicator of this.
What is a bleed in the lower portion of the intestinal tract?
Sneezing or coughing are associated with this type of incontinence.
What is stress incontinence?
This medical emergency involving the twist of spermatic cords resulting in lack of perfusion.
What is testicular torsion?
This breath sound is audible over most of the anterior, posterior and lateral lung areas.
What is vesicular?
Describe the process for palpating a pulsating mass discovered during an abdominal assessment.
What is do not palpate?
A patient reports defecating they have not defecated since yesterday. What would an appropriate next question be.
What is, is this that normal for you?
Mental status changes in older adults could be associated with this condition.
What is a UTI?
What is:
Visual: Asymmetrical breasts, signs of inflammation, mastitis, tissue reduction/dimpling, unilateral venous pattern, peau d'orange
Palpation:Pain/tenderness, lumps or masses, nipple discharge
These are the three aspects to evaluate when asking yourself how a patient is breathing. Provide one example for each.
Rate: Eupnea, tachypnea, bradypnea, apnea
Rhythm: Regular, Irregular, Cheyne-stokes, Biot's, Kussmal, Apnea
Depth: Hyperventilation/Deep, Hypoventilation/shallow
Name the 4 types of bowel sounds and describe their characteristics.
Bonus: Theses are loud gurgling sounds made by the movement of gas through the intestines.
Active/Normal: 5-35/min or one q5-15 seconds
Hyperactive: >35 min
Hypoactive: decreased
Absent: no sounds for 1 min/ quadrant
Bonus: Borborygmus
Dark Tarry stool , otherwise known as melena, is an indicator of this.
What is a bleed in the upper gastrointestinal tract?
What is the normal amount of urine production in mL/hr.
What is 30 mL/hr?
Provide three educaton points for a patient performing a testicular-self-examination
What is perform in shower, use index finger and thumb, gently roll, if pain or pressure you are pressing too hard?
This breathing pattern is described to have a variable rate and depth with regular-irregular rhythm cycles with slow and shallow to deep and fast with periods of apnea.
Hint:Crescendo to decresendo
What is Cheyne-stokes?
Name 4 findings that could occur during inspection of the abdomen that could be considered abnormal.
What is pulsations, distention, ascites, Hernia, Cullen's sign, Increased Peristaltic waves, scaphoid distended or protuberant.
Disease or obstruction that causes blockage of the flow of bile to the intestines can result in this stool observation.
What is clay/pale colored?
Name two indications where a bladder scan is indicated.
What is urinary retention, post-void residual, or catheter blockage?
Orange peel like texture observed during a breast examination
What is Peau d'orange?