What is the definition of weathering?
Breaking rocks down into smaller pieces.
This type of mechanical weathering happens as a result of water freezing in a crack of a rock repeatedly.
What is Frost Wedging.
Carbon Dioxide in the air mixes with water to produce what?
Carbonic Acid
Explain what caused this?
Weak acid rain over long periods of time
This is a type of weathering that only affects the surface of a rock and involves a chemical change, such as color change or dissolving.
What is Chemical Weathering
What is oxidation?
Chemical reaction with iron rich minerals to produce rust or iron oxide.
What chemical weathering type caused this?
This process breaks down rocks into smaller pieces that are the same as the original rock.
What is Mechanical Weathering
How do tree roots weather rocks mechanically?
By growing and slowly prying into rocks.
Explain how caves form using the process of hydration to help you.
Water dissolves minerals in rocks leaving an empty space.
What is hydration?
Water dissolves minerals in rocks, leaving empty spaces.
Weathering processes are slower in this kind of climate.
What is dry
What type of climate does Mechanical weathering occur in most (Hot, Cold, Wet, and Dry)
Cold and Wet
Explain how the surface process of chemical weathering speeds up or makes it easier for mechanical weathering to occur.
Chemical weathering weakens the surface which makes it easier for ice wedging to occur.
Explain how lichens chemically weather rocks.
They are a fungi and a plant that produces an acid in its roots which chemically weathers rocks.
Chemical weathering occurs fastest in what type of climate? (Hot, Cold, Wet, and Dry)
Hot and Wet Climates due to the amount of rainfall
What type of climate experiences the most mechanical weathering?
What is the North Eastern United States (Cold and wet which means large amounts of rain occurs and freezing as well)
Which location will chemical weathering occur the most in?
South Eastern United States (Florida is hot and wet which produces large amounts of rain)
What is this type of chemical weathering called?
What is oxidation