FACC 100
Introduction to the Engineering Profession
This prof's latest publication was in Comprehensive Composite Materials, and he teaches Composites and Deformable Materials. He recieved his B. Eng from Ecole Polytechnique.
Pascal Hubert
Epicyclic geartrains are also known as these gears.
This company publishes the CAD program SolidWorks
Dassault Systems
McConnell 12
MECH 360
Principles of Manufacturing
This prof got his B. Eng from the Indian Institute of Technology and specializes in Dynamics and Control
Arun Misra
The number of degrees of freedom for a distributed system.
This company publishes MATLAB and Simulink.
Macdonald 279/280
Thermodynamics 2
MECH 341
This prof got his PhD from Cornell University and B. Eng from the University of Waterloo, and he teaches Fundamentals of Turbulent Flow.
Laurent Mydlarski
The Clausius Inequality relates heat and temperature to this.
This software suite includes tools like Mill 3D and Lathe Entry.
Otto Maass 10
MECH 500
Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering
This prof, who received his PhD from UofT, is interested in navigation, guidance, and controls for robotic systems, and he has taught MECH 412 and MECH 309.
James Forbes
The other name for this supersonic expansion fan.
Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan
This communication system indicates dangerous wares in the lab, also called SIMDUT in French.
MacDonald Harrington G10
MECH 262
Statistics and Measurements Lab
This prof studies molten salts for solar purposes, and she got her B. Eng from McGill and her PhD from MIT. She works in the thermal energy lab.
Melanie Tetreault Friend
Its natural resonant frequency matched with prevailing winds, causing it to collapse in an engineering disaster.
Tacoma-Narrows Bridge
These two LaTeX commands create an ordered or unordered list of items.
Enumerate and Itemize
Arts W-120