Where do you go to sign up for college classes?
What is your Mission College Portal?
Is Abdi nonchalant during class
How many kids does Mrs. Heath have?
What is one?
Which teacher gives out snacks during 4th period?
Who is Ms. McVay?
What college is linked with Mission College?
What is West Valley College?
How many people are in the Freshman Class?
What is 29?
What is Mr. Canela's first name?
What is Rafael?
Facing towards the projector, which side does Mr. Canela usually stand on?
What is the left side?
What building is Mission College Tutoring Center located in?
What is the SEC Building?
What is Avyan's Youtube Channel Name?
What is Ms. McVay's Room Number
What is GC-324?
When you enter Ms. Heath's room, to which side is the whiteboard? Left or right?
What is left?
Is the Golden 50 next to the Mission College sign hollow or solid?
What is hollow?
What year did Frank Ocean drop Blonde? (Hint: Released in the 2010s)
What is 2016?
Which class does Ms. McVay teach in the first period?
What is Mythology?
How many slots are in Ms. McVay's phone safe?
What is 36?
When was Mission College Founded?
What is 1975?
What year did the Boston Tea Party take place?
December 16, 1773
What is Ms. McVay's Birthday? (Month and Day Only)
What is October 6th?
What is the name of the green slime on the poster on Ms. McVay's door?
Who is Gloopy?