_____ are symptoms associated Anxiety. (50 point bonus for each symptom named after 4)
Restlessness, feeling on edge, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance, etc
_____ are symptoms associated with Depression. (50 point bonus for each symptom named after 4)
Depressed mood most of day and nearly every day, low interest/pleasure, weight loss/increase, insomnia/hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation/retardation, fatigue/low energy, worthlessness/guilt, difficulty concentrating, SH/SI
____, ____, and ____ are all types of cognitive distortions (100 point bonus for each type listed over 3)
Black/white, all/nothing, catastrophizing, minimizing, filtering, overgeneralization, personalization, discounting the positive, etc
____, ____, and ____ are all coping skills that can be used when dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. (50 point bonus for each 3 named)
_____, _____, and _____ are all support channels for individuals. (50 points additional for each channel listed past 3)
Friends, family, group therapy, clubs, sports, etc
Those suffering from a _____ _____ often fear they are dying or losing control.
Panic attack
This is the next step after identifying the activating event, belief/thought, and emotional/behavioral consequence.
Dispute the Evidence (D)
______ means there is no middle ground/grey area when thinking about situations.
Black/white thinking
____ involves placing oneself into a deep state of calm. (100 point bonus for describing 1 way to perform this technique)
This type of support involves listening, empathy, and providing reassurance.
Emotional support
_____ are all symptoms of social anxiety. (50 point bonus for symptoms listed over 3)
Worry about future events, being judged, humiliated oneself; blushing, sweating, trembling, avoiding social situations, etc.
____ are areas of a persons life which may be impacted by depression. (50 point bonus for each additional area over 3 listed)
Occupational, social, family, intimate relationship, etc
This style of thinking describes when an individual guesses what another person is thinking.
______ ______ ______ means the individual focuses on each series of muscles and tightens then relaxes those muscles.
Progressive muscle relaxation
This type of support can involve providing financial assistance, material goods, or services to help someone meet their needs.
Tangible support
_ _ _ is an acronym for a technique in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that represents Events, Thoughts, and Emotional/Behavioral Consequences
ABC / ABC Model
_______ ______ refers to the trigger that leads to a belief/thought and then triggers behavior.
Activating Event (A)
"______ Statements" indicate idealistic thinking which describe a perfect world.
"Should" statements
______ _____ _____ is a way to address or determine the accuracy of ones beliefs.
Checking the facts/searching for the evidence for and against the thought/etc
Research shows that having strong social support can impact your _____ health, often measured by markers such as immune function and blood pressure.
"Physical" health
Around __ years old is the average onset of Generalized Anxiety Disorder according to the National Institute of Health.
____ has often made diagnosing depression in males more difficult.
Anger / the difference in symptoms
When an individual feels he has been wronged and so they believe it must be true.
Emotional reasoning
_____ ____ primarily emphasizes engaging in positive and enjoyable activities to enhance one's mood.
Behavioral activation
Strong social support can lead to increased levels of this hormone, known for promoting bonding and reducing stress.