What is the meaning of the root, "med?"
What is the meaning of the root "semi?"
What is the meaning of the root "hemi?"
What is the meaning of the root "equ?"
What type of sentence?
Do your homework, please.
What would the median number be in this data set?
What is the meaning of the word "semicircle?"
half of a circle
What is the meaning of the word, "hemisphere?"
One half of a sphere - usually used to refer to a particular part of the globe. Ex: The Western Hemisphere
What is the meaning of the word "equitable?"
Fair or equal
What type of figurative language?
My feet are killing me!
If you were to mediate something you would be doing what?
Solving a conflict or finding a middle ground.
What is a semicolon and what is it used for?
It is used to separate major parts of a sentence, or items in a series that already contain commas
Complete the analogy.
Hemisphere:Half :: ______________:one-fourth
If something is "equidistant," it is:
Equally far from two or more other things
Complete the analogy:
Indiana:Indianapolis :: New York: _______________
What is the meaning of the word "mediocrity?"
While everyone else in her class was striving for greatness, Jackie seemed just fine with mediocrity.
To be just ok or average at something.
What do you think the meaning of the word, "semifinal," would be?
a game or round immediately preceding the final, the winner of which goes on to the final.
The middle bracket
What would the word "hemicycle," mean?
There is a solstice at each hemicycle of the seasons.
Occurring in half a cycle.
What degrees of latitude is the equator located?
Who is responsible for trying to steal Mr. Krab's secret formula on Spongebob Square Pants
What is the meaning of the word "medium?"
in the middle of possible sizes, amounts, or etc.
What would the word, "semiannual," mean?
Happening twice a year, or half yearly.
What two hemispheres is the United States located in?
The Northern and Western Hemipshere
True or False: If something is equitable, it is considered equal.
What is the imaginary line located at 0 degrees longitude called?
Prime Meriden