GI Tract
Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat
Your patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy. What are you going to tell them the procedure is?
Procedure in which the physician uses a lighted scope to see the colon, he/she may obtain specimens. You will be given instructions on how to prepare 3-4 days ahead of preocedure. Usually there is no pain but you may be given some medication for pain and anxiety before procedure
When you patient is complaining of a runny nose, achy pains all over, malaise, fever & chills for 3 days what should you expect to educate the patient about.
The differences between a viral and bacterial infection; good handwashing; good nutrition; when antibiotics should be used
I have a patient in traction, there are several kinds but they all have 1 thing in common, weights. You are precepting a new nurse, what can you tell her about traction and the weights.
There is skin (Buck's ) and skeletal (pins and halos) traction and the traction is set up to a certain amount of weight. The weight is suspended off the end of the bed by a pully. It is very important to make sure the weights hang freely and do not touch the floor
If a patient is in your care or walks into your facility and you determine either by visual assessment or O2 sat that the person is hypopnic, has dyspnea and cyanosis, what is your first course of action?
Nurses can apply 2L of O2 via Nasal Cannula without a physician order, as a nursing measure and then get a physician order for the patient safety and comfort.
As a kid my parents has this kind of party but all I got was an itchy rash, now I wonder what I might get when I am older. What was I exposed to and what might I develop?
I was taken to a chicken pox party and got it and since it is now in my body I am at risk of developing Herpes Zoster or Shingles
As the nurse you know patients with diverticulosis are susceptable to many complications. What symptoms might be seen with a perforation of the bowel?
Elevated temperature, abdominal pain and rigidity.
You have a patient come into the clinic with complaints of a nose bleed, feeling like nose is always stopped up and can't smell very good. What should be your 1st assessment?
Look at the age of the patient as these are all age-related changes
Your immobile patient is now awake and can follow direction. What are some ways you will employ to prevent complications of immobility?
UTI - toileting program, up to bedside commode Pneumonia - TCDB DVT - Early ambulation and TED hose; SCD's Contractures - ROM exercises
You have been assigned a new patient, this patient was admitted for abdominal pain and nausea/vomiting X 3 days. As the nurse just speaking to a family for the first time, what would be a priority task to assess about the family and the familiy's functional ability?
Determining the current stressors and then the families coping strategies in the past and any they are using now.
There are 2 forms of glaucoma, what are they and what makes them different?
There is open-angle and closed-angle and that is based on where the pressure. The difference is that closed-angle as an abrupt onset
Your patient who has liver disease is not feeling any better and the family is asking questions. How can you explain if liver disease is worsening?
The patient may begin or get worsening hypertension and tachypnea; the skin can become jaundice and dry; the abdomen will become distended; the liver may be enlarged; veins may protrude and there may be edema and bruising to the extremities.
As you do an assessment on your patient in 2004B, you note the chest tube drainage device has become separated from the chest tube, what is your priority action?
Place the end of the chest tube in sterile water, this will maintain the seal. If the tube had become dislodged from the body, then use a vaseline guaze or flutter dressing over the wound.
Well my crazy brother Scott is calling, he knocked his thumb off again playing softball. What do I tell him to do?
Make sure to place his thumb in a plastic bag and then on ice and go to the ER and stop playing softball.
As the nurse you will have to irrigate a patient's ear after instillation of Debrox. How will you position the patient and what instructions will you provide?
You will have the patient lean or lay on the affected side and pull back and up on the pinnea of the ear; I will use body temperature water and will aim the flow towards the top of the ear canal
If I am teaching you about insilling eye drops, after I teach you to tilt your head back and look up, where am I going to place the eye drops.
Conjunctival sac, not in the inner canthus as then it could run down the tear duct and at the outer canthus it can run out the eye.
You are the nurse and have to educate a patient about care after rectal surgery. What statements made by your patient tell you the education is successfull?
Any bleeding should be reported to the physician. I can uses a sitz bath for comfort. I should drink plenty of fluids and use the stool softeners daily.
your patient's mother is in the clinic and is asking if her son's asthma will be over as soon as soccer season is over. What can you tell her about the disease asthma?
Asthma is a chronic disease; it can be managed with medication; with some people it is only exercise induced and some children do grow out of it; make sure to know your action plan and have emergency inhalers
Your patient has sustained a femur fracture and is on bedrest. What are some complications of a fracture?
Fat embolism; Shock; Compartment Syndrome; Constipation; UTI; DVT
You are doing a pre-op assessment on your patient and your patient has told you about their past medical history. What kinds of things would be a red flag to you?
Chronic diseases like diabetes, Hepatitis, and COPD.
Your patient has had a nasal surgery and has had their nose packed. They are in bed in a high Fowler's position with an ice pack on the nose. You notice a drop in the BP, and the pulse and respiration have gone up. What would these changes be indicative of and what other symptoms would you watch for.
Possible bleeding and moniter if the patient is swallowing frequently.
Your patient with cirrhosis is being discharged and you are doing the teaching. You now have to explain to the patient how to tell if the ascites (fluid on the abdomen) is getting worse. What are the best ways?
Abdominal girth - measured at the same point, e.g. 2 inches above umbillicus Daily weights - same time and approximate same clothing
There are many side effects and thus education to provide patients about concerning their Tuberculosis regimin. What are some of the most important education pieces for the patient?
make sure to complete all therapy; therapy can last up to 24 months; avoid alcohol; urine can become orange/red; take at bedtime for nausea/vomiting; maintain regular follow up appointments with provider
Your patient with the femur fracture also has external fixation with pins and rods. What kind of instruction is a priority when preparing to discharge this patient?
Proper pin and rod site care and watching for signs of infection
What are the types of anticoagulants you might see in the hospital after surgery and in the facilities to protect the patient. What are the names; routes; antidotes
Heparin - SQ injection or IV - Protamine Sulfate Lovenox - SQ injection - Protamin Sulfate Coumadin (Warfarin) - Orally - Vitamin K
Your patient with venous stasis ulcers on bilateral lower extremities has developed redness and swelling around the ulcers, increased pain and increased swelling in the extremities up to the knees. What else would you expect to see if there was a concern for a sytemic infection.
An elevated temperature. The redness, swelling and pain do not indicate a systemic only a local infection.