QMAR Messaging
What is: the ONLY messaging system you should use to communicate all information to supervisors?
John Doe (Room#101)
What is: Right Resident?
Anything that has been faxed to PCP's and you are waiting for clarification or an answer.
What is: Green Folder/Initial Fax?
Latin phrase pro re nata, which means "as needed" or "as the situation arises"
What is: PRN?
What does SBP stand for? DVT?
Systolic Blood Pressure; Deep Vein Thrombosis
After Hours
What is: the only time NURSES should be texted/called regarding EMERGENT situations?
Ativan, Tylenol, Metoprolol
What is: Right Medication?
If after 5 days there is no response, call, prog note, notify RN and RCCs.
What is: Red Folder/3rd Fax?
Emergency Room; Extended Release
What is: ER?
Why would someone be prescribed Eliquis?
Unstable Blood Sugars
What is: under 70 or above 140 ?
What is: Right Route?
Attempt after 72 hours, follow with phone call and pro note.
What is: Yellow Folder/2nd Fax?
Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Vitamins and Supplements
What is: OTC?
A resident falls. You've already deemed it as a Non-Injury and obtained vitals. What are your next steps?
* Obtain witness statements from any witnesses and the first responder.
* Place on Alert charting and complete chart note
What is: residents being sent out, residents returning to building from Hospital, fall with significant injury, suicidal ideation, natural disasters, resident passes away?
50MG, 0.5MG, 10000UI
1 tab, 2 caps, 30mL
What is: Right Dose?
When received signed from PCP, MT to remove from folder, shred unsigned, and fax signed copy to CONSONUS.
What is: Pending 90-day Orders Folder?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
What is: HIPAA?
What do you do if a resident misses a medication because we do not have it?
* Fill out Medication Variance
* Complete all notifications applicable
* Put resident on alert and complete initial chart note
* Call pharmacy and order STAT if NOT OTC. IF OTC call and order for next day delivery.
* Add to whiteboard to visually track progress
Unstable BP
What is: Systolic greater than 180 or less than 100 OR diastolic greater than 90 or less than 40. (greater than 180/90 OR less than 100/40)?
What is: Right Documentation?
Refills, New Orders, STAT. Once received by facility, 3 Bin stamp and put in RCC/MCPM box.
What is: Waiting on Medication Folder?
Medication is to be given at bedtime.
What is: HS?
Stop count immediately. "On Duty" MT to respond immediately and assist resident. MT to complete incident report and notifications as needed. Med Count is then to start all over. DO NOT pick up where you left off.