Translate: myalgia
muscle pain
Translate: erythrocytopenia
decreased amount of red blood cells
Translate: ovariocentesis
surgical puncture of an egg
Translate: CHO
Translate: IV
Translate: hypogastric
below (under) the stomach
Translate: myringorrhexis
break/burst of the eardrum
Translate: vesicopexy
suspension of the bladder
What is the abbreviation for "as desired?"
ad lib
Translate: IM
Translate: lipoma
fatty tumor
Translate: mastorrhaphy
suture of the breast
Translate: otoplasia
development of the ear
What is the abbreviation for "biopsy?"
Bx or bx
Translate: I & O
intake and outpug
Translate: hemihepatectomy
surgical removal of half of the liver
Translate: cephalodynia
condition of having head pain
Translate: orobuccal
pertaining to the mouth and cheeks
Translate: EBL
estimated blood loss
What is the abbreviation for "bedtime?"
Translate: cholecystotomy
to cut into the sac containing bile (gall bladder)
Traslate: cheilocarcinoma
cancerous tumor of the lip
Translate: leukonychia
White nails/claws
Translate: D/C
discontinue or discharge
What is the abbreviation for "history?"
Hx or hx