Most medical terms are a combination of one or more basic _____________ __________.
word parts
-emia means __________ and is an example of a __________.
blood condition, suffix
abd stands for
The study of the structure of the body is known as _____________.
Which abdominal region contains the belly button?
umbilical region
What two language are medical terms derived from?
greek and latin
Cyt/o means ___________ and is an example of a ___________
cell, combined form
ht stands for
Anterior and Ventral refer to the _____________ of the body.
Which body cavity protects the heart and lungs?
thoracic cavity
To learn medical terms, you may find it helpful to _________ a term down into its constituent parts.
medical terms, break
cephal/o means __________ and is an example of a ____________.
head, combining form
CXR stands for
chest X-ray
Something that is medial is towards the ____________ of the body.
cells, tissue, organ, body system, organism
glyc/o is an example of a _____________ _____________
tachy- means __________ and is an example of a __________.
fast, prefix
NPO stands for
nothing by mouth
What word means “near the midline or center of the body”?
Convert to military time: 2:35 pm
The four word parts that make up most medical terms include:
Breakdown the word hypoglycemia
hypo-: below normal; deficient
glyc/o: sugar; glucose
-emia: blood condition
Name two of the medical terms in the following sentence
Dr. Snyder orders a stat CBC, Pro. time, PTT, UA, T&C, EKG, and CXR
*any two of the following* immediately, complete blood count, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, urinalysis, type and crossmatch, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray
_____________: relating to the cranium (head), or situated near the head
The body position where a person will lie flat with their face down is called __________.