I am a medical doctor licensed in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
Deeply sad for two or more weeks that they feel despairing and hopeless, seeing nothing but sorrow in the future, and may not want to live anymore.
major depression
Belief that a minor symptom indicates a severe disease.
hypochondriasis ( condition below rib/cartilage)- Type of Somatoform disorder.
You are an EMT and are on a call from Bob, a 21 year old homeless man police have gotten out of the middle the road. Bob tells you he was in the road because " the voices told me to do it". He has isolated himself from others telling you" people are not who they say they are, and they are trying to get me". He is not taking drugs and appears not to be suicidal or homicidal. He is dirty, has poor hygiene and appears disheveled. He has no home address and affect is expressionless. His speech is slow and thoughts are disorganized and confused. What is the likely diagnosis leading to his hospitalization?
Condition to split the mind
What is the primary difference diagnosing a mental illnesses as compared to a physical illness such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer?
There are NO tests for mental illness, only research that provides identifying markers to help formulate a diagnosis.
The process includes: A physical exam, lab tests to rule out physical causes, a psychological evaluation, and Brain imaging scans.
I am a professional licensed in the science concerned with the behavior of the human mind.
Clinical psychologist
The opposite of depression, displaying a state of excessive overexcitement and impulsive behavior.
Generalized anxiety disorder ( GAD)
Sensory perceptions are jumbled and distorted, having difficulty concentrating, and percieving things without a stimulation. This is an traits of?
DSM-5 ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition.
I assess, develop treatment plans, and provide case management and rights adocacy to patients with mental health problems.
Psychiatric social worker
Seems to be related to a lack of sunshine causing increased melatonin production by the pineal gland. Often treated with phototherapy and brigh white fluorescent lights and antidepressants.
Seasonal Affective Disorders ( SAD)
Which of the following terms has a word element that means wound?
insomnia, posttraumatic, or anxiety
Pertaining to after a wound.
Larson had difficulty keeping friends because he lied, cheated, stole and frequently made trouble for others, with no sense of responsibility and no anxiety or guilt about these behaviors. What is Larson's diagnosis?
If we added easily angered and violent what would Larson's likey diagnosis be?
1. Antisocial Personality Disorder, or sociopath.
2. Antisocial Personality Disorder or psychopath.
Helps people identify distortions in interpreting experiences and learn to think in different ways about the experiences, which leads to an improvement in behavior and feelings.
Cognitive Therapy
The key is the word THINK= Cognitive
I provide front-line care to patients with mental illnesses and /or developmental disabilities and who carry out doctors' orders and serve as the eyes and ears of the diagnosing professional.
Psychiatric technicians
Alternating episodes of depression and mania, roughly 6 million people suffer from this.
Bipolar disorder ( once called manic-depressive disorder).
Justin refused to walk across the draw bridge attaching two cliffs over the river. Suddenly he was having a full blown panic attack. What is his diagnosis?
fear of peaks or the highest point ( Heights)
The origins of these disorders is the need to escape, usually from extreme trauma, and most often from sexual, emotional, or physical abuse in childhood. The development of distinctly separate personalities is called?
Dissociative identity disorder ( DID) or its's former name Multiple personality disorder ( MPD).
Treatment of mental disorders thorugh talking?
I evaluate and provide care for patients with psychiatric disorders, medical mental conditions, and substance abuse problems.
Psychiatric and mental health nurses or nurse practitioners.
Thought to be the cause of some mass shootings. Individuals display frenetic energy with dark thoughts and paranoid delusions.
Dysphoric mania ( type of bipolar)
An unconscious emotional conflict is expressed as physical symptoms with no organic basis. The diagnosis is?
Con/vers/ion dis/order
Condition with turned -- arrange away from
Kleptomania, Trichotillomania ( TTM), Substance abuse and chemical dependence and Pyromania are categorized as?
Impulse Control Disorders
Treatment for PTSD involves Pscyhotherapy( different types), social interventions, family and patient education. When many forms of treatment are used it is called?
Pertaining to many methods