Canines are
seasonally monoestrous
what is polyestrous?
Animals that have cycles through the year
The gestation period for Bovine is...
283 days (279-292)
The gestation period for Swine is...
111- 120 days
Any piglets born before 109 days is considered an abortion, any pigs born between 109 and 112 days are premature farrowing.
Order of Estrus cycle
1. Proestrus - the start of heat (last 7- 10 days)
2. Estrus - the mating period when the female is receptive to breeding (last 5- 10 days)
3. Diestrus - The period after heat when the female is pregnant or resting (lasts 10 -140 days)
4. Anestrus - the resting period between diestrus and the next heat cycle
Felines are
cats: Seasonally polyestrous (long day breeders)
What is seasonally polyestrous?
Animals that have estrus cycles ONLY during certain seasons. (Based off light exposure)
The gestation period for Horses is...
340 days (326-354)
When do Cows normally breed?
mostly February but can happen year-round
What can we see from stressors
(animals behaviour)
Showing teeth, tucked ears, the whites of the eye (sclera), may bite.
Bovine are
What is monoestrous?
Animals that have one estrus cycle per year
The gestation period for Canines is...
63 days (56-70)
When do Horses breed?
late May to mid-July
Field of view for Sheep and Pig
Sheep: 191 - 306 degrees
Pigs: 300 degrees (shoulder is the point of balance)
Sheeps are
Sheep: Seasonally polyestrous (short day breeders)
When does fertility decline for swine?
late summer and early fall
The gestation period for Felines is...
63 - 65 days
When do Sheep breed?
late September through November
Cow's field of view is...
360 degrees
they have a wide, but narrow field of view and they see better in low light
Horses are
seasonally polyestrous (long day breeders)
The gestation period for Goats is...
155 days (145-155)
The gestation period for ovine is...
152 days (142-152)
When do Pigs and Goats breed?
Pigs: during spring and summer (as well as January)
Goats: Late August to early January
List the 6 Pig terms
Boar: Mature intact male
Sow: Mature female
Barow: Castrated young
Stag: Castrated mature
Gilt: Sow that hasn't given birth
Shoat: Piglette