A princess from Colchis
Revenge seeker against Jason(Her Ex-Husband)
Revenge & Pride
Medea punishes Jason for his betrayal and abandoning her as a barbarian in Corinth
Pleasure from assasinating Glauce and Creon
Medea pleas for help to the gods to not be exiled
Medea’s grandfather
Helios- God of Sun
Medea seen by:
Crazy emotional woman
Scary woman and I think shes gonna kill me
I feel you Medea but killing your kids is too much
Son of Aeson
ex-husband of Medea who betrays her for Glauce
Betrayal & Loyalty
Jasons betrayal of Medea
Medeas betrayal of her kids
Medeas betrayal of her brother
Medea was once loyal to Jason before his betrayal
Dramatic Irony
Medea crying before letting her children go but mentioning she wants to hold their hands for all the years they have to live although the audience knows they're on a suicide plan
King of all Gods
God of Justice & Oaths
God of the sky
The ideal character who is noble whose misfortune is by some error or frailty
Tries to do good but misses
King of Corinth who exiles Medea
Gender roles
Medea defies expectations of Greek women where she is outspoken and revengeful
Chorus represents societal norms and sympathize with Medea to an extent
Jason believes in traditional gender roles
Creon fears Medea because she goes against gender norms of women
Jason is compared to the greatest sickness of all time
Medea is compared to an uncontrollable animal
Goddess of childbirth and hunting
A purification or cleanser like purgation
Context givers | Tone developers
Audience guiders
Corinthian women
Reason & Passion
Medea struggles between her love for her children and vengeance when hesitaing to kill them but lets her emotions win her over
Jason leaves Medea as a logical decision because of her dangers, ignoring the emotional damage he caused
Greek tragedy: logos(reason) vs pathos(emotion)
Medea pleas for help to the gods to not be exiled
God of prophecy and healing
When was Medea performed and who wrote the play|drama?
431 BCE by Euripides
King of Athens
Man who offers Medea refuge
Man who wants kids with Medea
Law & Justice
Medea believes Jason must suffer for his betrayal, going against laws
Creon exile Medea but is later regretful
Gods help allows Medea to escape after assasinating
Verbal Irony
Medea tells Jason she accepts his decision and was just being silly
Jason says he wants to raise his children the proper way
Goddess of magic and the underworld
Greek Tragedy
Dramatic storytelling that shows the downfall of a noble character because of their flaws or issues with gods.