Acting out. Doing what you shouldn't do. Misbehaving.
What is transgressive behavior?
Mediating influences in a child's life other than media.
What are School, Family (Parents, Siblings and extended family), Peers/friends, Teachers, Outside activities, Religion, Cultural connections, Geography, Nutrition?
awards show for kid's honoring their favorite media
What are the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards?
Detailed explanation of every facet of a new TV show, from characters to plot lines to educational goals.
What is the show bible?
Imaginative play. Character imitations. media-related spending choices. Music and music artist choices. Setting gender norms. Setting race/ethnic norms.
How does Disney influence childhood?
Every day when 8 year old Joanie gets home she says hi to Mom and immediately turns on the TV...even before she has a snack, or goes to the bathroom.
What is ritualistic viewing?
It's usually cheaper. You don't have to worry about kids aging. It has better international sales potential.
What choose animation over live-action when producing a new children's property?
The four ways children gain information.
What are Direct experience, Observational learning, Symbolic learning, Cognitive learning
Online activities that integrate the subtle selling of child-friendly products into play.
What is adver-gaming?
Developed by Vygotsky this is the area where one is most likely to gain knowledge. When the learning goal is challenging, but not impossible, and there is a "more knowledgeable other" (MKO) to assist.
What is the Zone of Proximal Development?
Added 3 hr rule, added clearer definition of E/I, tied compliance to license renewal, required V-chip integration.
What is the Telecommunications Act of 1996?
Testing and evaluation before you create a media product-- vs. evaluating a media product after it's been used or consumed.
What is formative vs. summative research?
Spongebob selling pizza in a commercial airing immediately after an episode of Spongebob.
What is host selling?
Added government supported, noncommercial television with an education mission.
What is the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967?
Method of cognitive processing focusing on taking in the overall view & overall impact.