Elements and Principles
Color Schemes
Digital Citizenship
Using Files
Media Arts
Design, Composition and Balance
Adobe Tools

What type of composition is this?

An S-Curve (the focal point is carried throughout from one place to another is an S shape)


These two pictures are what type of color scheme?

A. Monochromatic

B Cool

C. Complimentary

B.  Cool


If you were in a chat room or gaming, what information is safe to share?

A. Your phone number

B. Your age

C. Your screen name

C. Your screen name (they can already see this). 

Never share personal information!


When you get a strange message from someone you don't know that asks you to open an attachment.  What should you do?

A. Open it

B. Delete it

C. Send it to Ms. Briggs

B.  Delete it (without opening the attchment!)


Which of these things is true about podcasts?

A. Podcast are only streamed on on live radio 

B. Podcasts have moving images

C. Podcasts are old technology and nobody really listens to them anymore. 

D. The name "podcast" comes for the release of the Apple "ipod" player. 

D.  Podcasts were named after the ipod!


What type of balance is this?

Radial Balance (all things radiate symmetrically from one point)


A tool that allows you to select parts of your artwork by drawing freehand selections

A. Lasso Tool

B. Blending tool

C. Blur tool

A. Lasso Tool


What principle of art makes one thing stand out more than others?

The principle of Emphasis.

In the example, the element of color red is used to create the principle of emphasis. 


What is is called when one color is used with tints and shades of that color?

Monochromatic Color scheme


True of false:

Because the internet allows people to share things all over the world, there are no laws preventing the sharing of information.  

B. False

There are copyright laws and conditions for sharing and using information and created work.


If you accidentally X out a project you are working on, is it gone forever?

No, you can still access your most recent projects!

You can restore files or go to file-history


When creating a logo, which of the following is true?

A. Color and Font influence the perception of the quality of a product.

B. Logo design is not important.

C. Just a basic font will attract buyers

D. Classic logos are not reliable for customer recognition. 

A.  The use of color and an interesting font can influence the customer.


What is the name of the method of designing a composition that arranges the page where the focal points fall on intersection areas?

The rule of thirds


What tool is this on adobe programs?

The Select tool


To create depth in a two dimensional design, you can

A. Reorganize the positions of objects on the page

B. Change shapes to organic

C. Change the size of objects

D. All of the above

A. Reorganize the positions.

Things overlapping create depth and things higher on the page seem further away. 


These 2 pictures show what types of colors?

A. Complimentary

B. Analogous

C. Monochromatic

A. Complimentary colors


Posting and sharing memes, photos, quotes and articles is ok if it belongs to me or:

Which is not true?

A. I have permission from the creator

B. I only use small bits and give credit

C. If it is online, anyone can use it

D. The info is part of the public domain

C. If it is online, anyone can use it


What are the steps to opening and starting a new design?  Select one or more:

A. start brainstorming on a sketchbook to start your design

B. Open your software 

C. Create a new document

D. Call a friend and complain about the assignment

A, B and C,

You can start an idea on paper, open your software and then create a document. 

Complaining will not get you anywhere!


Are Media Arts and Graphic Design the same thing?

Media Arts covers all types of Media creations - including Graphic Design, but unlike Graphic Design, it also includes video and sound creations. 


Your friend shows you this poster they have designed for an Art Exhibit.   Which of the following statements would be good advice?

A. The font is inappropriate

B. You should start over

C. The title is too small and does not attract the viewer and let them know what the poster is for

C. The title is too small and does not attract the viewer and let them know what the poster is for


What tool do you use to add text to an adobe project?

The Type tool


What is the space around and between objects in a layout called?


Negative space

The black areas are the negative space, the chair is the positive space.


Why are color schemes so important?  Select the one that does not apply:

A. Color schemes make a design cohesive

B. Colors have meaning and can influence a viewer

C. Color is just more attractive

D. Color can create harmony when used together

All but C are true.


True or false:

Posting things online now while I am in high school doesn't matter.  Things like snapchat and other things I post won't exist online by the time I am ready to apply for a real job in the future.



How can you edit photos you are sent using your design software?

A. Edit the photos in your email

B. Save the images to your computer, open your design software and insert the photos from your saved file.  Then you can edit them.

C.  Just find better photos and send those back.

B. Save the images to your computer, open your design software and insert the photos from your saved file.  Then you can edit them.


When you watch a video ad for the ASPCA that shows animals without homes and uses a sad song, the media artist is using which intentional approach?

A. Bandwagon

B. Association with an emotional appeal

C. Claims

D. Name calling

B. Association with an emotional appeal


Which of the following is NOT Asymmetrical balance?




C.  That is Radial Balance


Which adobe tool allows you to select a range of colors to both remove the background and to match and use elsewhere in your design?

A. Crop tool

B. Select tool.

C. Magic wand tool

D. Pen tool

C. Magic wand (one of the oldest tools in design!)


This image shows pattern and repetition.  What other principle is shown?

A. Color

B. Value

C. Proportion

D. Movement

D. Movement

(color and value are elements and these are all the same size so proportion in not used)


Which color is associated with energy, passion, romance and love?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. White

A. Red


Which of the following statements would be considered cyberbullying in a group text?

A. I have so much homework!

B. Can't wait to see the new Marvel movie.

C.  Don't ask John to go- that kid is strange

D. We should all wear red shirts!

C.  Don't ask John to go- that kid is strange

Name calling and singling out a person is bullying!


If you are working on a project and save it,  can you still go back and make changes?

Yes!  Find the project in your saved files, open it and work on it as you did before. When you are done, hit save, and your new edits will remain. 


Media Arts and Fine arts are different in a few ways.  Which is true about Media Arts?

A. Media arts is only based on facts

B. Media art is only online

C. Media art is created to share a message with a large audience

C.  Media Arts is produced to share a message with a large audience (like logos, infographics, videos).


Which of the following is NOT a Design component of an infographic?

A. Color Scheme

B. A recognizable design that identifies an organization

C. Logical Flow and organization

D. Shapes and Icons

E. Heading

B. A recognizable design that identifies an organization

That is a logo!


What tool do you use to select an area of a photo and remove everything outside the selected area?

The Crop tool
