The Ends Justify the Means
History of Journalism
Journalistic Codes of Conduct
Western Religious Foundations

Utilitarianism, often associated with John Stuart Mill, attempts to secure the greatest _________ for the greatest __________

What is the greatest good for the greatest number of people?


This is the enlightenment thinker most closely associated with Deontological ethics.

Who is Immanuel Kant?


Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are two of the rights secured by this section of the U.S. constitution.

What is the First Amendment?


The SPJ code of ethics suggests that journalists seek the truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently, and ___________

What is be accountable?


The Hebrew scriptures refer to this short list of absolute decrees which God passed down to Moses.

What are the Ten Commandments?


Another term for ethical frameworks in which the outcomes of one's decisions justify the actions one takes to accomplish them; often contrasted with deontological ethics.

What is consequentialism?


Deontology, taking its name from the Greek "deontos", or "that which is binding", is often known as the ethics of _____________

What is duty?


This scandal involving the Nixon administration marked among the most important events in modern U.S. journalism.

What is Watergate?


This code of conduct is intended to offer guidance for blog writers.

What is the PCIJ Blogger's Code of Ethics ?


The idea that religious principles find their way into secular life and continue to guide ethical behavior despite lack of belief in the religion from which they come.

What is civil religion?


This thinker, most commonly associate with Communism, appealed to the need for classless society and the flourishing of the collective to justify violent revolution.

Who is Karl Marx?


In Deontological ethics, the person acting must not only do what duty demands, but they must also act from the right _____________

What are intentions/ reasons?


This deputy director of the FBI was known as "Deep Throat" when he acted as an informant to Woodward and Bernstein.

Who is Mark Felt?


These sets of rules governing the conduct of journalists covering legal proceedings differ for each state, but are widely known as _________

What are bench-bar press guidelines?


A religious conception of reciprocity ethics from the teachings of Jesus might be formulated as a command to _____________

What is "love they neighbor as thyself"?


Power and political success at whatever cost is a view popularly attributed to this renaissance thinker.

Who is Machiavelli?


A deontological thinker would implore us never to think of human beings as means to an end, but always as ___________

What are ends in themselves?


This Englishman was involved in the American revolution and can be considered to be one of the first "investigative" journalists.

Who is Thomas Paine?


One conception of the journalistic mission is to comfort the afflicted and _________________

What is afflict the comfortable?


"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is the key idea behind this rule.

What is the Golden Rule?


Thomas Hobbes is famous for promoting security and stability through an absolutist state, also known as this _______________

What is the Leviathan?


This imperative, considered to be binding for all rational beings, asks us to think about our actions as though they were universalized in the actions of all others.

What is the categorical imperative?


This deputy director of the FBI was known as "Deep Throat" when he acted as an informant to Woodward and Bernstein.

Who is Mark Felt?


The SPJ code of ethics insists that journalists should avoid conflicts of interest, while the blogger's code suggests that  ______________ is sufficient.

What is disclosure/ transparency?


The shift in Christianity from the moral authority of the church to a focus on individual religious conscious is associated with this movement.

What is the Protestant Reformation?
