Early Childhood Education and Development
Ms. Rachel
This country is where the first Mediaplanet office opened.
What is Sweden?
Diversity in Trades
What is Canada?
This is the number of offers you should have out to expect a deal at the end of the week.
What is at least 6?
Health Equity
Nick Cannon
This year, Mediaplanet expanded into the USA to follow the American Dream!
When is 2007?
What is Norway?
If you are looking to have a $115,000 campaign, this is the minimum Offer Volume you should be aiming for.
What is $1,150,000?
Mental Health
Taraji P Henson
In March of 2024, our MD Gretchen returned to Mediaplanet after leaving in what year?
What is 2021?
Kardiovaskuläre Gesundheit
What is Germany?
This is the amount of commission a PM makes on a $200,000 campaign in USA Today print.
What is $22,250?
College Preparedness
Alex Boylan
Mediaplanet campaigns run across 5 different verticals. Name all five!
What are Health, Business, Education, Lifestyle, and Cause?
Framtidens Skola
What is Sweden?
Jamie holds the record for the highest-revenue campaign in MP history - how many offers did she get out?
What is 51 offers?
Diabetes in America
Lea DeLaria
Mediaplanet offices span across the world! This number is how many languages the campaigns are published in.
What is 11 languages?
Efektívne Podnikanie
What is Czech Republic?
For a $100,000 campaign over an 8 week period, you have 1 minute to fill out the following KPI's:
1. Rev/week
2. Offer total
3. Offers/week
4. Offer volume
5. Expected Commission (with M1)
What is
1. $12,500
2. 80
3. 10
4. $800,000
5. $9250