What is a microorganism?
what is a?
Tiny living plant or
What is a Pathogen?
A organism causing a disease to its host
What is a ?
an area that is clean and free of diseases
What is the requirements for Growth?
what is?
Nutrition, Oxygen, Temperature, Moisture, and pH
What is the Infection Process Cycle?
The Cycle is?
Reservoir Host, means of exit, Means of Transportation, Means of entry, Susceptible Host
How can you see a microorganism?
what is a?
How can you see a Pathogen?
What is a?
Plating Method and rapid-plating method
How can you stop the spread of infection?
What does this do?
Medical Asepsis
What is the proper nutrition?
what is?
What is Reservoir Host?
what is?
One that becomes infected by the pathogen and also serves as a source of transfer
What are the types of microorganisms?
what is ?
Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Animal parasites
What are types of Pathogens?
What is?
Bacteria, Virus, Protists, and Fungi.
What are three examples of Medical Asepsis?
What is?
Sanitization, Antisepsis, and Disinfection?
Why do microorganisms need to multiply?
Why do they need?
What is Means of Exit?
How to exit?
Mouth, Nose, Throat, Ears, Eyes, intestinal tract
Give an example of Bacteria?
An example is?
Give an example of a Fungi?
What is?
Athletes Foot
Give an example of Sanitation?
What is?
Removing waste and Dirt
What is the optimal growth temperature?
The Temperature is?
98.6F (37C)
What is the means of transportation?
How to Transport?
From one person to another include direct contact with an infected person
What is an example of a virus?
A virus is?
Give an example of Protists?
What is ?
What is an example of Medical Asepsis?
Handwashing, General Cleaning, Disinfection
Why do microorganisms need moisture?
they need Moisture for?
Cell metabolism and carry away waste
What is Susceptible Host?
What is?
One that is capable of being infected by the Pathogen