What is the abbreviation for OSHA?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What is the definition of vital signs?
Vital signs: Objective guideposts that provide data to determine a person's state of health
What is a medical record
Medical record: Written record of important information regarding a patient
What does a complete patient examination consist of?
Health history, Physical examination (PE), and Laboratory and diagnostic tests
Who is responsible for performing eye procedures & assessments?
A Medical Assistant
What's the purpose of OSHA?
To reduce the exposure of healthcare employees to infectious diseases.
When are Vital Signs usually checked?
Vital signs are usually checked during each office visit.
What is the abbreviation for HIPPA stand for?
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What should you clean daily in the examining room?
Examining tables, Countertops, and Faucets
Name all 3 eye layers.
Sclera, Choroid, and Retina.
Where do microorganisms grow best in?
Microorganisms grow best in darkness.
When did HIPPA go into effect?
April 14, 2003
What do risk factors include?
Genetic factors, Habits, Environmental conditions, and Physiological conditions
What is visual acuity?
Acuteness or sharpness of vision
What does Pathogen and Nonpathogen mean?
Nonpathogen: Microorganism that does not normally cause disease
Pathogen: Disease-producing microorganism
What is included in Vital Signs?
Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, Blood pressure, and Pulse oximetry
What is included in a patient's registration record?
Full name, Address, Phone (home and work), DOB, Gender, Marital status, and Employer
What is the purpose of a physical examination?
To detect early signs of illness, It helps prevent serious health problems, Prerequisite for employment, Participation in sports, Attendance at summer camp, and Admission to school
What's the definition of anterior chamber & posterior chamber?
Anterior chamber: area between cornea and iris
Posterior chamber: area between iris and lens
Define the 5 cycles of the infectious process
reservoir host, means of exit, means of transmission, means of entry, and a susceptible host.
Name all 10 pulse sites
Radical, Apical, Branchial, Ulnar, Temporal, Carotid, Femoral, Popliteal, Posterior tibial, and Dorsalis Pedis.
Why is it important to have a medical record?
To make decisions regarding patient's care and treatment, To document the results of treatment and the patient's progress, Communicate information to authorized personnel in the medical office, and Serves as a legal document
What are the physical examination equipment and supplies?
Clean gloves, Gauze, Lubricant, Tape measure, Fecal occult testing supplies, Specimen collection system, Antiseptic wipes, Percussion hammer, Tongue depressor, Tuning forks, Otoscope, and Ophthalmoscope.
Define Myopia and Hyperopia.
Hyperopia (farsighted): Eyeball too short from the front to back
Myopia (nearsighted): Eyeball is too long from front to back