La cabeza
What is "head"?
Come with me, please.
Venga conmigo por favor.
La temperatura
To fall
To sneeze
El diente
What is "the tooth"?
Repeat that, please.
Repita eso por favor.
Blood Pressure
La person arterial
To urinate
How old are you?
Cuantos años tienes?
el hombro
What is "shoulder"?
Stay here, please.
Quédese aqui por favor.
I need to take your pulse
Necesito tomarle el pulso.
To cough
La fiebre
El estomago
What is "the stomach"?
Wait here, please.
Espere aqui por favor.
Can I take your height?
Puedo tomar su altura?
It hurts to eat
Me duele al comer
Tengo un calambre
El oido
What is "the ear"?
I do not speak Spanish well, can you please speak slowly?
No hablo español muy bien.Puede hablar despacio por favor?
Put the thermometer under your tongue and leave it there
Ponga el termómetro debajo de la lengua y déjelo ahi.
I feel like I can't walk
I have problems with chewing
Tengo problemas para masticar