True or False

Annual medical emergency training for RNs

What is medical emergency elearning and an in person skills class


Respondents to a call for a medical emergency on off shifts?

Who are: 



Nurse Administrator



You can find it in the Exam rooms

What is the emergency cart


The process to call a medical emergency. 

What is:

The RN will call for a Medical Emergency by dialing 101-2222/911 or he/she will direct another staff to activate the medical emergency response. The staff member will give the following information to the operator: • Your name • Location of emergency • Nature of emergency • Name of patient (if possible) • Request external 911/Emergency Medical Service when clinically indicated or when directed to by the nurse. In case further information is needed, allow telephone operator and EMS to hang up first.


The only way for the FNP to see a patient is by calling a medical emergency.

False: RN/MD assess medical issue and determine need to place a consult. FNP will consult


The length of time that the completed monthly ER cart logs are kept

What is: seven years


Ways to support the other patients during and after a medical emergency

What are: making sure that a staff member is assigned and completing observation checks; gathering patients in an area away from the emergency (such as the day/living room); holding a community meeting after the event


Ways the RN can increase familiarly with ER cart contents

What are: 

Conduct the monthly full inventory check

Complete all required training in a timely fashion

Participate in drills and table top exercises and discussion


You do this if you need help in managing the milieu while dealing with a medical emergency

What is activate PERS


Your personal cell phone is used to call 911


911 calls to cell phones go straight to EMS thus to communication to the WBH medical team or security. only use a hospital phone to call a med emergency - internal 911/emergency button on nursing station phone.


Circumstance(s) when a verbal order can be taken

It is the policy of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital that verbal/telephone orders will be limited to emergent (e.g. but not limited to cardiac arrest, resuscitation related events, and emergency initiation of restraint or seclusion use), time sensitive situations and intra-procedural medication and/or treatment requirements that could not be anticipated prior to the procedure where immediate written or electronic communication is not feasible.


The person/role who can perform IV insertion

Who is the FNP

Unit staff nurses are not trained in IV insertion, the FNP has IV insertion competencies as do the ECT RNs. 


Visual cue that the ER cart is not stocked/checked

What is: presence of a purple lock attached to the cart


True or False your PERS is used to call for a medical emergency

What is false. PERS is used to summon assistance in managing the milieu, not calling for a medical emergency


The RN can designate any member of the team to call for a medical emergency

True: the call can be made by any member of the staff


When 911 is activated without notification of the operator in the standard procedure, the staff need to do this

What is alert security immediately through walkie-talkie, direct phone call. 

Security MUST be notified to meet  the ambulance and escort the crew to the correct location in the most expeditious way.


Completed after the medical emergency

What is: 

Documentation in the patients EMR.

A staff debriefing (use of pink form for documentation)

Communication to key individuals through an SBAR

A Keepsafe


Name four items that are stocked in the ER carts

Medications that are frequently used in medical emergency situations; IV start kits; gloves; scissors; bandages/Band-Aids; IV bags; gauze; tape; O2 equipment such as non rebreather face mask, ambu bas with mas, nasal canula; standardized bore catheter extension set


True or False security is to be notified anytime 911 EMS response is required

What is True. Security must be notified so that they can assist the ambulance upon arrival to the grounds, direct them to the closest entrance, open the ramp entry doors, escort the team to the correct unit/area


RNs may not start Oxygen without a MD/NP order

True: A provider order is required before oxygen can be administered. Similarly, fingerstick cannot be done without a provider order. 


This takes place monthly

What are: 

Mock medical emergency drills


Completed by a RN after the event is over

What is full inventory of the ER cart. 

Contact PCD/NA if assistance is needed to checking the cart. 


Three ways to make sure the ER cart is stocked and ready for use

What are:

1. RN ER cart daily check of integrity and function

2. Monthly full inventory of equipment

3. A green lock is on the ER cart bottom drawer


Communication after the medical event

What is notification of the patients family or other support/loved one of what occurred is completed by the attending or DOC/attending on off-shift. 


Only the RN can start BLS

False: Staff trained in BLS will administer BLS and/or first aid until the arrival of a provider and further direction from that person
