Bone and Hormone

What is the "sanford" name of the inner voice that fights eating?



How does the brain say to itself during starvation?

" It interprets that we must be in a famine and we have to protect our person"


What is gastroparesis?

Gastro (stomach) paresis (paralysis)

Dealing with the stomach organ itself. After eating, the stomach will typically move around (peristalsis)- but after starvation, it will not use the energy and then cause feelings of "Very full", nausea, bloating and belly looks distended. 


What is a bone density test for?

Bone is a living tissue that breaks down and rebuilds itself. Calcium makes the bones dense (hard and strong). Up until adulthood you BUILD bone faster than you lose old bone. 


What is the key to the eating disorder process?

Reintroducing nutrition. 


Blood pressure changes with eating disorders due to ?

Blood volume change. 


Name one of the three possible causes of eating disorders. 

Biological factors_ researchers are looking to identify genes related to eating disorder development. First degeee relative that struggled with an eating disorder

Psychological Factors:  Co-occur with anxiety disorders as well as OCD and traits of perfectionism and rigidity

Environmental Factors: Eurocentric beauty that focuses on thinness- Family values include appearance and food and exercise.


Medication to help with 100 point question? 

Metoclopromide- Will help speed up stomach emptying time- 

Does not cause weight gain and helps relieve symtoms

May cause fatigue- This medication is typically used during early recovery and not needed as body digestion is re-established. 



At what age does one have peak bone mass? 

Normally girls acquire up to 90% of peak bone mass by age 18 and boys acquire this same percentage by age 20.Bone will continually remodel itself throughout out lives as  small amounts are constantly being formed and resorbed. It is balanced until later in life. However, bone density loss can occur early and rapidly with malnutrition.


Identified professional to help with the monitoring of nutrition and healing 



Give a definition of starvation

Any situation in which not enough calories are consumed over a period of time to fulfill the body's needs.  It can occur in people  of any body shape or size. 


What is a reward system in the brain?

It is a chemical reaction that  is released due to a 

It is a chemical neuron release. (one is dopamine) During ongoing eating disorders can modulate this and change the reward system.  EX Pleasure when eating a good meal is instead sent a punishment signal. You feel rewarded and happy when you are doing things that actually harm the body such as these:Reading labels, exercising excessively, pushing food around plate instead of eating, dropping to an unhealthy weight.


What is constipation.

This is universally a complication with all eating disorders. The body chooses not to use the energy for during the slowed metabolism.-Charactherized as:  Hard lumpy stools, causing strain with evacuation, feeling like you are not done- incomplete evacuation - for the duration of over three months. 


Name two of the hormones that are affected with malnourishment. 

Estrogen, testosterone, LH, FSH, 


Identified professionals to assist in processing the mental health of those in recovery?

Therapists and psychiatrist - NP and other staff. 


What is the name of the book that we have been using to help us understand the medical impact of eating disorders. 




Research found that brain cells are designed to hole onto discrete facts for a brief period of time. ( like a grocery list etc). This system is overcharged and overly powerful in people developing an eating disorde and it makes for brain set goals and keep them.. (I will only eat a salad) This working memory makes the "poor decision" harder to break. 


What causes anemia?

Multiple causes but during significant malnutrition bone marrow can stop working.  Bone marrow is responsible for creating our blood cells: the white blood cells that fight infection, the red blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide ant the platelets that help stop bleeding. 


What is known about recovery.

Recovery is not linear!  


Name the author of the book we have been listening to and following. 

Jennifer L Gaudiani MD, CEDS, FAED


What is the grey matter part of the brain.

During starvation, there is a global decrease in gray matter that contains most of the brains neuronal cell bodies- including regions to have in sensory perceptions such as seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, decision making and self control. There is a global decrease of grey matter during starvation- can be restored. 


Safe medication for constipation? 

Not recommended to have a high fiber diet with slowed metabolism as it may cause bloating.

Polyethylene glycol is the first line of defense- 17 grams mixed in 8 ounces of water - it is an osmotic laxative. 

Others: Ducosate Sodium (colace) stool softener, 


What is the largest organ of the body?

The skin is the largest because it covers the entire surface of our body. With malnutrition, the skin becomes malnourished too, becoming dry and fragile. 


Name three coping strategies for recovery!

EVERYONE has the potential for FULL recovery and MOST medical problems WILL resolve with recovery!
