What is when a hole is drilled into a person's skull to release the spirits?
1.What did Ancient China believe illnesses were caused by?
2.What did Ancient Egypt believe illnesses were caused by?
1. What is punishment from god?
2. What is imbalance?
Ancient Rome was heavily inspired by what civilization?
What is Ancient Greece?
Dark ages were caused by the fall of what empire?
What is ancient Rome?
What were early pharmists/chemist called?
What is apothecary?
What did people from Primitive Times believe illness was caused by?
What is illness was though to be caused by punishment from gods.
1. Who treated illness in Ancient China?
2. Who treated illness in Ancient Egypt?
1. What is monks?
2. What is priests?
They both believed the balance of the 4 humor causes?
What is good health?
Practice of medicine was prohibited because they believed what illness was caused by?(Dark ages)
What is punishment from god.
Who invented the printing press, which allowed for the spread of medical information easier?
What is Johan Gutitenburg?
Who treated illness like headaches?
What is Witch doctors treated illnesses like headaches with trepanation?
In ancient Egypt what did they gain from embalming?
What is anatomy knowledge?
What caused illness?
What is natural causes?
What was treatment for illness?(Dark ages)
What is pay a priest to pray for recovery?
Who created the first version of the microbiologist?
What is Zacharias Janssen?
What herbal medicines did they have?
What is example of herbal medicine like Willow Bark and Foxglove?
How did they treat illnesses in Ancient China?
What is they treat the spirit and body to treat imbalance?
What are Hippocrates(Greece) achievements?
What is Hippocrates was known as the "father of medicine", he came up with 4 humors and the Hippocrates oath(graduating physicians still say this oath).
In Middle Ages what did monks start doing that helped healthcare?
What is copying ancient texts.
What is it called when bad smells caused diease?
What is Miasma theory?
What are Willow barks and Fox gloves used for?
What is willow barks are aspiration and Fox glove is for lower HR?
In ancient China what technique still used today by healthcare professionals?
What is Acupuncture(pricking the skin over and over again for therapeutic reasons).
What are Ancient Rome's achievements?
What is built the first non-religious hospitals, hygiene became a big thing like a better swear system, and physicians practiced at their homes and did home calls?
What disease killed 75% of Europe's population?
What is bubonic plaque?
Who created the first small pox vaccine?
What is Edward Jennar?