ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: The simplest alkane, with chemical formula CH4
The organization that oversees the medical school application process in the US
AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges)
A hematologist studies and treats disorders affecting this bodily component
traveler the horse
A "gastrectomy" is the removal of this organ
CHEMISTRY: This type of bond is formed when electrons are shared between atoms
covalent bond
These three extracurricular categories are most essential for a strong med school application
clinical experience, research, and community service
This type of surgeon specializes in procedures related to the brain and spinal cord
This is the name of USC's marching band
the spirit of troy
The medical abbreviation "Rx" stands for this
BIOLOGY: The 4 nucleotide bases in DNA (must name all four)
adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine (uracil can be substituted for thymine)
The MCAT is scored in this range from this number to this number
472 to 528
A nephrologist focuses on diseases affecting this organ
This USC building is the oldest on campus and was originally home to the entire university
bovard auditorium
The term "hemiplegia" means this type of paralysis
paralysis of one side of the body
PHYSICS: The equation F = ma represents this law of motion
newton's second law
The number of recommendation letters most medical schools require (range from this number to this number)
3 to 5
A rheumatologist treats diseases that primarily affect these parts of the body
USC is the birthplace of this professional networking platform, co-founded by alumnus Reid Hoffman
"A patient arrives at the ER after a fall. The doctor orders a CXR and notes LOC, low O₂ sat, and a possible Dx of ARF"
These are the complete terms of the abbreviations that this diagnosis uses
chest x-ray, loss of consciousness, oxygen saturation, diagnosis of acute respiratory failure
PSYCHOLOGY: This part of the limbic system is primarily responsible for processing emotions, especially fear
BBLS, CPBS, PSBB, and CARS are the abbreviations for these MCAT subject sections
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems,
Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems,
Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior,
Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
An otolaryngologist specializes in these three parts
ear, nose, throat
This building contains a free unlimited supply of Otter Pops for anyone to grab