DMLSS - System Services
AFML List Server
Inventory Mgt
HSMR Projects
The three main components to the hierarchal structure in DMLSS.
What is ORG, DEPT, and SVC/CUST?
Tab where you can subscribe to all MMQC messages or messages pertaining to specific Logistics areas, such as Equipment/PVM/PVP/Vaccines/Other.
What is Site Settings?
Materiel that is above current operating needs but can be used within 12 months and may be maintained if it is determined to be more economical than future procurement.
What is economic retention?
AF-managed inventory contained in allowance standard (AS) 887P.
What is PMI?
Designated by the appropriate team chief and appointed by the MTF commander for each MC-CBRN RC/CC.
What is a property custodian?
The name of the translation table that provides a centralized listing of all the values and codes (status, MILSTRIP, etc. codes) used throughout DMLSS applications.
What is TMU (Table Maintenance Utility)?
Tab at top of screen where you can find career field information for both 4A1 and 4A2.
What is Career Corner tab?
Three main inventory control methods.
What is stockless, just-in-time (JIT) and economic order quantitiy (EOQ)?
PMI Centers will account for equipment and durable medical/non-medical materiel in a customer owned assemblage in DMLSS AM using the appropriate AS and expense center _________ will be used.
What is XX5881?
MC-CBRN assemblages will be inventoried within ______ of the completion of any real-world incident/exercise involving use of the assets, or no less frequently than every _______. Inventory review and approval is completed within _______ of processing the inventory adjustments.
What is 60 days / 12 months / 10 duty days?
The window that allows authorized users (usually DMLSS SA's) to search, view, edit, add, and delete POC information as necessary as this is an important part of administering DMLSS to have valid/current POC information on all users.
What is the POC window?
Chief, Medical Logistics Division, AFMOA, Office of the Surgeon General and Medical Services Corps Associate Corps Chief for Medical Logistics.
Who is Col Donald Faust?
Seeks to provide complete medical logistics support to MTF customers through the development of a proactive logistics function responsive to customer needs.
What is Forward Logistics (FL)?
In conjunction with AF/SG8P, they are responsible for developing and executing a central PMI life cycle management equipment replacement plan and submit Program Objective Memorandum (POM) requirements accordingly.
What is AMC/SG responsibilities?
Contents of a project file upon completion of an inventory and must be retained for ______.
What is DMLSS Inventory Accuracy Analysis Report, MC-CBRN Inventory Summary Report, annotated copies of all count lists (unless PDAs are used), original copies of all approved IAVs, and copies of documents forwarded to the ROS monitor for initiation actions generated as a result of the inventory / 2 years?
EOP that sends requisition orders, posts incoming status to due-in records, performs follow-up processes, produces the receipt file, and transmits it to legacy systems, purges aged data, generates management reports, and performs a database backup.
What does EOD process transmit?
Tab at top of screen where you can find info on BMET, Medical Device Security, PACS/Telemedicine, Technology Management, and SGR Support as well as Central Maintenance Contracts.
What is Clinical Engineering tab?
Form used for documenting/processing discrepancies in shipments electronically or manually.
What is Standard Form (SF) 364?
They are responsible for coordinating all PMI program change recommendations with HQ AMC/SG and processing them.
What is MAJCOM's with PMI Centers assigned to their command?
They are responsible for assigning MC-CBRN assemblages to MTFs / developing and implementing command unique policy and procedures for the management of MC-CBRN programs, as required.
What is MAJCOM surgeons?
Establish and/or edit electronic interfaces for DFAS, DLIS, DSCP, JMAR, PVM, PVP, and other types of transactions and should be monitored daily to minimize delays for services as well as financial/status updates.
What is DCM Configuration window?
Tab at top of screen where you can find information on First Aid Kit Management.
What is the Readiness tab?
Program where turn-ins from using activities are processed as 'Turn-In Gain, No Credit' transactions using Return Item screen in the DMLSS IM module / select stratification state 'Suspended' for expired items and 'Unserviceable' for damaged items.
What is Commercial Credit Return Program?
PMI Centers/locations out-shipping patient movement equipment for unit line number-tasked deployments will transfer asset accountability to the deployed PMI cell or designated AOR MTF if greater than _____ days.
What is 120 days?
There is no pilot unit, MEFPAK or AS associated with this program.
What is Pandemic Influenza (PI) Plans?