5:30 pm in 24-hour time
What is 1730
9 in roman numerals
What is IX?
32 oz is this many pounds
What is 2?
This is abbreviated kg
What is kilogram?
A 1 Liter bag of fluid is given over 10 hours. A patient will receive this many mL/hour
What is 100 mL/hour?
3:20 am in 24 hour time
What is 0320?
36 in Roman Numerals
What is XXXVI ?
4 L is this many milliliters
What is 4000?
This is abbreviated mL
What is milliliter?
This is 2500 mg converted to grams
What is 2.5 g?
2130 in standard time
12 in Roman Numerals
What is XII ?
150 cc is this many milliliters
What is 150 mL ?
The abbreviation for ounce
What is oz ?
A newborn weighs 8.8 pounds. This is how many kilograms the newborn weighs
What is 4 kg?
0045 in standard time
What is 12:45 am?
XXVIII in Arabic Numbers
What is 28 ?
3 mL is this many gtt
What is 45 drops?
The abbreviation for pound
What is lb?
You need to give 50 mg of medication. It comes in a vial as 25 mg/2 mL. This is how many mL you will give.
What is 4 mL?
Noon in both 24 hour time and standard time (2 answers)
XVISS in Arabic Numbers
What is 16 1/2 ?
240 mL is this many ounces
What is 8 oz ?
The abbreviation for drop
What is gtt?
A patient weighs 20 kg. Medication is ordered at 5mg/kg. This is how many mg you will give.
What is 100 mg?