How do you say "neck" in spanish?
el cuello
How do you "symptoms" in spanish?
A patient comes up to your pharmacy window and says "¿Hola, puedes ayudarme?
Hi, can you help me?
How do you say "I do not understand" in Spanish
No entiendo
How do you say "glucometer" in spanish?
How do you say "wrist" in spanish
la muñeca
How do you say "aggravating factors" in spanish?
Factores agravantes
(Que lo hace peor)
How do you say "what is your date of birth?"
¿Cuál es tu fecha de nacimiento?
Translate this sentence:
Un momento por favor, déjame encontrar alguien que habla español
One moment please, let me find someone who speaks Spanish
How do you say "blood pressure machine" in spanish?
máquina de presión arterial
Can you translate this sentence - "My forearm hurts"
me duele el antebrazo
Can you tell me what letter from SCHOLARMAC this sentence is asking?
¿Qué mejora el problema (o los síntomas)?
What makes the problem better?
"R" in SCHOLARMAC or Remitting Factors
Factores que alivian (Que lo hace mejor)
How do you say " Good morning, how are you?"
¿Buenos dias, cómo está usted?
Translate this sentence -
"disculpe señorita, podría ayudarme a encontrar ."
I’m sorry miss, could you help me find...”
A patient comes in and says - “Necesito comprar jeringuillas y unas tiritas para mi glucómetro."
What is she asking for?
Jeringa/jeringuilla - Syringes
Tiritas - Glucose test strips
Glucómetro - Glucometer
I need to by syringes and glucose test strips for my glucometer
Translate the following sentence -
"Me pica la garganta"
My throat is itchy
Can you tell me what letter from SCHOLARMAC this sentence is asking?
¿Cuándo comenzaron los síntomas (o problemas)?
Translates to: When did the symptoms or problems start/begin
This belongs to the "O" in SCHOLARMAC or Symptom Onset
You are a patient and your pharmacist only speaks spanish, and asks you
¿Cuál es tu nombre y fecha de nacimiento?
What is your pharmacist saying?
Translate this sentence -
"Have you ever picked up a prescription here?"
¿Alguna vez has recogido medicamento aquí?
Translate to english -
"Evite los azúcares procesados o las bebidas con alto contenido de azúcar."
Avoid processed sugars or beverages with high sugar content
Translate the following sentence - "¿Tengo dolor en mi espalda, puede ser mis riñones?"
I have pain in my back, could it be my kidneys?
Take your best shot - How would you ask for a patient's medication allergies in spanish?
¿Tienes alergia a algún medicamento?
Translate this sentence to english
"¿Usted tiene seguro médico?"
Do you have health insurance?
Your patient in the pharmacy asks ¿Cuánto cuesta mi receta?
You want to say back: $12.67
How do you say this in spanish?
doce dólares y sesenta y siete centavos
A patient comes in complaining -
"Tengo unos temblores, estoy sudando muchísimo, y estoy confundida, ¿me puedes ayudar?"
What is the patient complaining about and what are these symptoms a sign of in a diabetic?
She is shaking, sweating, and confused.. she is asking for help
these are signs of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar (hipoglucemia/azúcar baja)