This doctor specializes in skin problems.
What is a Dermatologist
This doctor will fix your heart.
What is a Cardiologist
If you're not sure what's wrong, you would go to this clinic
What is General Medicine
This doctor can prescribes anti-depressants
What is a psychiatrist
This doctor operates on patients
What is a surgeon
If you have a problem with your feet, you would see this specialist.
What is a Podiatrist
If you ever need a kidney transplant, you would go to this doctor.
What is a nephrologist
What is family medicine
This is the cancer specialty
What is Oncology
This is a full doctor who is learning a new specialty
What is a fellow
If you have trouble swallowing or ringing in your ears, you would go see this specialist.
What is a Ear, Nose & Throat doctor.
People who have lung disease see this specialist
What is a Pulmonologist
This nurse is licensed and likely to give you your flu shot.
What is an RN (Registered Nurse)
Patients with digestive problems would see this doctor
What is a gastroenterologist
This specialist focuses on communication barriers
What is a Healthcare Interpreter
This doctor provides family or couples therapy.
What is a psychologist.
This doctor specializes in women's reproductive health
What is a Gynecologist
This type of advanced nurse can prescribe certain medications
What is a Nurse Practitioner
These specialists see patients with leukemia
What is a Hematologist
This clinic deals with your hormones
What is endocrinology
This is the medical term for a doctor who specializes in the eyes.
What is an Ophthalmologist
People who suffer seizures or migraines go to a
What is a Neurologist
This doctor finished med school and passed his state exams, but is still learning
What is resident
For hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, go to this clinic
What is Hepatology
This counselor will help patients determine if they have a hereditary illness
What is a genetic counselor